Monday, November 12, 2012

Family and Friends came to visit

 My sweet baby Reeve has gotten a few visitors since his birth. My mother, aunt, and sister came up to visit a couple of weekends ago. We really enjoyed the company. My sister made us dinner. It was very nice. I am so glad my sister got to meet Reeve. Since she lives in Seattle, it's not easy for her to get back home!!

My mom and Lily
                                                                   My sister Kelly and Lily

Nana and her grandbabies

Nana and Reeve

Aunt Kelly and Reeve

All of us!
My friends from home, Amy and Emily, also came over to meet Reeve. It was so good to see them. I can't even remember the last time I saw them. It was good to chat with them for a few hours. I am very thankful for good friends that would drive 2.5 hours to see a friend!
Amy, me, Reeve, and Emily

Loxton (Amy's son) and Lily

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