Wednesday, May 30, 2012

18 Weeks and counting

I made it to 18 weeks.....yipee!!! However, tomorrow, I will be 19 weeks. Which means I get closer and closer to finding out the sex of the baby! I am feeling that this baby is a boy!! John feels the same way. Last time, I had a really strong feeling that Lily was a girl and I was right. So, maybe I have ESP or something??? I really don't care what I am having, just as long as the baby is healthy!! I really truly mean that too. I will be happy with whatever God chooses me to have. I am just getting antsy and very much ready to get the nursery put together. We have decided to buy new furniture for Lily and give the baby Lily's furniture since we bought the convertible crib. I already have the new furniture picked out, so I am just waiting to see the sex of this baby and make sure baby is healthy.

This week, I have noticed that I am way more emotional than ever....not really crying emotional more like get the "blank" away from me emotional. Very much not myself.....I am trying to keep a low profile right now becasue of it. I am still not really eating like I am supposed to. I started a new craving for Buffalo Wings and Rings in Jasper....yummy!!!! I still want Hacienda almost everyday, but haven't had it since April. Lily and I may go there next Tuesday since I have to pick up her pictures. Let's see, ice cream sounds good to me, but can't eat a lot or I get sick. I found out that Western dressing is not my friend....and I love it on my salads...weird!! I am very much still addicted to sweet has been so hard on me to limited my intake. Especially, McDonald's sweet weakness!!! I am finally sleeping better!!! Thank goodness too!!! Oh! My heartburn has came back with a vengence this week!! My tums stay by my bed because it wants to start at bedtime.

Well, my next appointment is June 7th. That's when we will find out if it's a he or a she!! John and I still haven't decided if we are going to tell people or not. We still haven't decided if we are going to let Lily come to the ultrasound of not. She will tell our little secret if we decide not to tell. So, right now, things are up in the air, but I am still very excited!!

18 weeks

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

16 week check up

Monday, I had a doctor's appointment to check up on the baby. It was the longest appointment EVER!!! Let's just say, I am still ticked off about it.

My appointment was at 10:45am. I knew my appointment was going to consist of dopplering the baby's heart beat and such. Not really a long appointment. So, I decided to bring Lily along. I arrived at 10:30 to the doctor's office. There wasn't hardly anyone I was thinking, this will be an in and out visit. They quickly called me back. I was weighed....I have lost 2 pounds. So, I was questioned on how well I am eating....not very well. I don't really have an appetite right now. Not really nauseated, just not hungry. My blood pressure was good 116/68.

Then Lily and I got sent to a second waiting room while a room was being cleaned. We weren't there for long. Then, the finally called me back to my room. Ok, the nurse said, "he will be to see you in a few minutes." Well, 2 hours later a Family Nurse Practitioner...student came in. I was already ticked off for waiting 2 hrs in a little room with nothing for a 3 year old to do, then they send in a student. Ok, I am not a person that cares if a student assesses me or anything like that, because I was there before. However, don't send a student in after I have waited for 2 hours. Now, this girl was very nice but extremely weird. She was totally in my face....and I was getting even more irrate. This girl asked what I did....I said, "I am a RN in the ICU." Well, she didn't really want to talk to me after that!!! So, she said that she was going to find the baby's heartbeat. She told me it was going to take her awhile, she wasn't joking either. It took her nearly 10 minutes. I wasn't even for sure if she actually heard it or not. I wasn't feeling very confident in her skills. Then my doctor came in. He didn't even assess me because she already did. NOT HAPPY AT ALL. So, at that point, I was done. I wanted to leave and I was ready to get out of there. I told him I had a sinus infection and needed some medications. So, he wrote me a prescription and I was out the door. I scheduled my next appointment for June 7th. That is my 20 week ultrasound. I will find out what we are having!! Still undecided if we will tell people or leave it for a surprise.

Anyway, hoping next appointment will be nothing like this one.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lillian turns 3!!

I can't believe my little girl is 3! It just doesn't seem right. Next fall she will be going to pre-school. Geez, where is the time going. This is going to be such a big year for her. No more diapers, pre-school, and going to be a big sister. So much change!! My heart kind of aches to see her getting so big. I remember bringing her home from the hospital. So tiny and helpless. Now, she doesn't want mommy to help her :(

Anyway, before I get too emotional......Let's talk about her Hello Kitty birthday party!! Lily was so excited about this party. She started talking about it in March. We had her birthday party at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Haysville. We usually have it at our house, but I thought we should do it somewhere else so I didn't have to do so much work....(like cleaning, rearranging, etc). My family from Illinois came in and John's family came. Lily LOVED it!!! She had a blast!! When everyone started to leave, she started to cry.

Of course, this little girl got so many toys. I am still trying to find places from them....I don't know what I am going to do with 2 kiddos and all their toys!!!

Yesterday was Lillian's actual birthday. She was sort of confused because she thought she was already 3. The last two days, she has been in a foul mood. Which made me start thinking....the 2s were terrible...what are the 3s going to bring??? Anyway, Lily had her 3 year check up yesterday and while the doc was doing her assessment, he found that she was starting to get an ear infection. Made complete sense to me, her attitude and her nose had actually starting running that morning. He told me to give it a few days and then start her on her antibiotic if she needed it. Ok, that sounds like a plan. When we got home, Lily took a nap (not like her at all) and when she woke up, she screamed bloody murder. Her nose was just running, she grab her ear, and all she wanted was to be held.....not like her at all. So, I told John just go to fill the prescription. So, two doses down, Lily still doesn't feel that great, but hoping it will help in the next day or two.

So, at the doctor, Dr. Bies said that Lily was very smart for her age. She was doing 4-5 year skills. Her vocabulary is impressive (this little girl talks all the time). Plus, she is very outgoing. She will talk to almost anyone. Dr. Bies and Lily had a nice conversation at the beginning. It was cute.

At 3 years old, Lily weighs 29.4 pounds and 36 inches. She is a petite little girl!! Lily loves cereal, granola bars, apple juice, chocolate milk, fruit, ice cream, M&Ms, and cheese. She LOVES her dog dog!! She is into Disney movies, especially the princess ones. She loves Beauty and the Beast!! She will rarely take naps, she sleeps from 8pm-7am. She usually sleeps by herself. There are some nights she gets scared. She would rather be outside playing in the dirt or sand. She is into play doh, baby dolls, hot wheel cars, blocks, and her bikes.

Well, I could go on and on about my Lily, but I will spare you. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics from her party and her birthday!!

Second trimester!

Well, I made it!! I am in the second trimester of this pregnancy!! I am so behind excited. Right now, as I am writing this, I am actually 15 weeks and 6 tomorrow I will be 16 weeks!!! Yeah!!

I am feeling a little better. I still get nauseated from time to time. I still have the exhaustion, but now it hits me much later in the day. I can honestly say, I am not eating for two. I barely eat for one. I try to eat small meals throughout the day. My cravings include: Mexican (especially Hacienda in Evansville), waffles, fruit, and ice tea (which I limit a great deal because I could drink gallons of it).

I am still not sleeping that great. I am a belly sleeper so trying to sleep on my sides is just not cutting it. I am to the point now that sleeping on my back is a no go. I can start to feel my blood pressure drop if I am on my back for too long.

I think I have felt the baby move this week. I am usually busy when I think I have felt the baby, so when I try to relax, the baby doesn't do it anymore. So, I start to second guess myself.

Lily is starting to become more interested in her baby dolls. She likes to put her babies in the car seat we just bought. She wanted me to put them in the car with her (car seat and all). She is getting her stroller out and rocking them to sleep. I think she will make a good big sister. I can't wait to refer to the baby with a name instead of just baby. I think that will help Lily too.

Lily's baby taking a nap
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I got a huge surprise. My oldest sister Carrie, is pregnant as well. We are 5 weeks apart. I am due October 25 and she is due December 3. Should be interesting.....

My next appointment is Monday, May 14th, and then after that will be my 20 week ultrasound to see the gender!!! I can not wait!!!

13 weeks
15 weeks
My sister and I...15 weeks and 9 weeks