Monday, November 8, 2010

Crazy things that make up my life

Where do I begin since my last post?? Let's see, Thursday I was sick. When I say sick, I mean head in trash can, butt on toilet, weak, temp, chills, headache....yeah, that sick. I woke up at 3am with what I thought was acid reflux, I took some tums headed back to bed and well you know what quickly progressed. John said that he would come home a little early to take care of me....well, I had him on the phone at noon telling him to get home NOW. So, John got home and we got me ready to go to the ER. I spent the next 5 hours there hooked up to an IV. I was very dehydrated, I couldn't keep any food down, let alone any medication down. I felt a little better when we left, but mostly just drugged. You know that feeling. Anyway, I came home and went straight to bed. The next morning I felt so weak with the biggest headache. Saturday was better, but Sunday I didn't feel too good again and today started like Thursday, but not even nearly as bad. So, I'm looking forward to this bug to completely go away!!!

Friday, John took off work early and took Lillian to her 18 month check up. Yep, I am right, she is 18 months. Geez, where is the time going? Her measurements are 32 1/4 inches long, 21 lbs 10 oz. She grew a little more than 3 inches in 6 months!!! She is very petite for her age though. Dr. Bies said that her verbal skills were advanced for her age. Which of course John thinks she is a genius. I always worry about her since she isn't going to daycare and stuff. I just want her to learn!!!
Saturday was John's 30th birthday. We had a small dinner at the house with his family and some friends. I was very exhausted to begin with, so it was a very long day for me. I think John enjoyed himself. I know Lily did!! She is the most sociable little girl. She loved having company over.

Right now, I have been doing a lot of praying. I don't really know how to explain how I am feeling. I have a lot of emotions built up right now. I feel that my life is in need of a change. I am not big on change either, so this is a hard step for me. I have seriously had the worst year of my life when it comes to my health. I am constantly sick. First, I had my gallbladder taken out. Then head colds and stomach bugs. It's never ending. So, I have thought about my life and I just feel that I have too many unnecessary stressors in my life. I will explain my life: I married a wonderful man that is from Montgomery, IN. When we met, I was working/living in Evansville and at a job that I was happy with. However, John is not a "big city" guy, so I made the decision to move up here to be with him and his family. I do NOT regret this decision. However, with this decision, I am at least two hours away from my hometown and my family and friends. My mom doesn't do a whole lot of driving, so I never get a visit from her (or my hometown friends for that matter). Right there, I feel isolated. I have friends here, but it's not the same sometimes. If I want to see them, I have to arranged my schedule to go home....which isn't for a long time and hard to do with a child. Then, John works crazy hours. He is always on call (when they have turkeys), so he never gets to chill out. Which stresses me out because he is always on edge. He likes what he does, but not so much the hub where he is at (old equipment, etc). Then, I have a wonderful little girl that I have no idea what I would do without her. She is my everything. However, I get NO time off. Being a full time working mom is hard, especially with a husband who works crazy hours. John's mom watches Lily when I'm working or have appointments, but we don't have the greatest relationship (will not go into detail, but let's just say I can never do anything right.) and I don't want to overuse her. Then, I work in the ICU. The most stressful place I could possibly work. Add sleep deprived and brain dead to the mix and it's a long 12hrs. So, I have decided that I am going to leave my position at the hospital. I am starting to apply to other places that isn't so stressful. Please say a prayer for me. I am in desperate need of this change. Something has to I am hoping this will help!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Halloween

This year we took Lillian to Illinois to go trick or treating with her cousins Dillon and Braden. Eldorado does trunk or treat and thought that would be a better thing to do than to pack her up and go house to house here. Plus, Dillon really wanted Lily to go with him. I was really excited to take her this year because she understands a little more of what is going on. Lily had a great time!! Mommy and daddy were quite exhausted by the end of the night. My mom really enjoyed having all her grandkids there. Plus, we also celebrated my mom's 55th Birthday! Anyway, here are so pics of our fun weekend in Illinois!

"Trick or Treat"

Lily's goodies from Nana

Dillon, Lily, and John

Dillon and Lily

Dillon the Airplane

Braden as a Tiger

Our Little Family on Halloween