Thursday, April 19, 2012

1 more week!

Today, I am 13 weeks pregnant!! I can't believe it! Next week, I will officially be in the second trimester.....that will make me so happy!!! I am starting to feel better. I still get nauseated from time to time, but I am starting to eat again. I miss sad am I?? The only thing that isn't getting better....pure exhaustion!! I have it everyday. I am not sleeping well because I am a belly sleeper and obviously, I am not sleeping on my belly. Extra pillows help for a period of time, but not all night long. If I am having trouble at 13 weeks, I can only imagine how things are going to be at 32 weeks. I just need to suck it up.

Anyway, today, I had a doctor's appointment. John met me at Jasper. My blood pressure 115/70. I gained a total of 1 pound the last month....very happy with that! Anyway, I got another ultrasound today. My 5th from this pregnancy alone. Dr. Beckman wanted to check to see placenta placement and the fluid behind my uterus. My little peanut was so active. It was just bouncing around like crazy. Baby's heart rate was 154. My placenta is high and anterior.....exactly where we wanted....high and away from my cervix. The fluid is still there. Dr. Beckman said that baby looks good and developing normally so there really isn't anything to worry about. My chances of miscarriage drop to very low odds after week 14....just one more week!!!

So, my next appointment is May 14th. That is if no spotting occurs. However, with me, things are always up in the air. Dr. Beckman told me that he wants a very boring 4 weeks with me.....I have to agree with him. Boring is better!!!

This picture was taken on Easter. I was 11weeks 3 days.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Big changes to come

Well, my last post, I told you about a very crazy week I had in February. I mention that there would be more to the story later....well, it's later. Ok, let me explain......

February 11, John and I had a date night to celebrate Valentine's Day. We went to The Mill House and then to the movies to see The Vow. Well, I have really bad acid reflux. I take my medication like I am supposed to. Well, that night, we had a very spicy pizza at The Mill House. So, during the movie, I felt very nauseous and didn't really enjoy the movie. I got home, took some tums, and went to bed.

February 12-John, Lily, and I got up early and went to church. I was feeling a lot better. We went to church. During the middle of the sermon, I was starting to feel really hot and dizzy. I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom for a bit. In the family bathroom, they have a really long bench that I went and laid on for a few minutes. I went back into church, still not feeling the greatest. After church was over, I got home and laid down on the couch. I had a low grade temp and was chilling. I thought, "great, I am getting the flu." I had to work Monday and then I was off for 3 days, so I was trying so hard to rest so I could make it into work.

February 13-I called work to see if there was anyway I could take call. I told them I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to call in. Long story short, I had to go to work. I had a pretty good day at work, but was still feeling bad. I still had a low grade temp and was feeling kind of nauseous. My hubby surprised me with a dozen red roses....that stinker didn't even put his name on it, so I had to call and ask him why. John's response was, "I better be the only one sending you flowers, so I don't need to put my name on them." Crazy guy!

February 14-I was off work and feeling a little better. I thought to myself....huh, I am supposed to start this week, maybe all of this is because I am pregnant. I took a was negative. Ok, that's fine. Now I know I am fighting off a bug. Lily and I had some running to do and later that night she had gymnastics. Well, we got home and was eating dinner, when I got the call from my mom stating she was going to have surgery the next day. Now, my mom is not an expert in the medical field. She told me she didn't need anyone with her. However, I knew my mom was going to be sedated and there was no way they would just let her drive home. My sister couldn't get off work, so at 8:30 at night, Lily and I was on our way to Illinois. It was one of the longest nights I have had in a long time. My mom was in so much pain and there wasn't a whole lot I could do for her. She had pain medication, but she couldn't keep it down. Even the anti emetics weren't helping (nausea medications).

February 15-Again, was one of the longest days of my life. We had to take my mom to the doctor's office first so she could get preregistered. She was in there for about an hour and a half. Then, my mom was sent to the local hospital for outpatient surgery. My mom's surgery was delayed and hour.....doesn't sound too bad, but when you have a two year old with you that feels like an eternity. My mom's surgery took about 30 minutes. Everything went great. My mom was in immediate relief. She had a smile on her face as soon as we saw her. She was quickly discharged. Let me just tell you, Lily did so wonderful. She had NO tantrums, she was polite, quiet, and even though she was exhausted, you would have never had known it. Lily got a present for being good. I was one lucky momma!!!! After getting back to my moms and getting her settled in, Lily and I had to make the long trip back to Indiana. I think we made it home a little after 10pm. I was on the phone with my mom the whole time making sure she was ok.

February 16-I was exhausted and I felt like crap. John was off, so I was able to sleep in for a little bit. It was nice, but I still wasn't feeling that great. We had some errands to run and then family pictures that afternoon. After pictures, we went to wal-mart and then finally made it home. Ok, well, I was supposed to start that day, but I hadn't let......however, I spotted on the 14th a couple of times but that was it........ok....let's insert side note so you can fully understand my frustrations.....

Last March (2011), I had a miscarriaged. The doctor called it a chemical pregnancy. I got my period on time and it was one of the heaviest periods I have ever had. It lasted for a day and then it stopped. Ok, weird.....then a couple of days later, I started to spot....weird again. So, I don't know what prompted me to take a pregnancy test, but I did. It was positive...very faint line, but it was positive. The next day I called my doctor and told them what happened. I immediately knew something wasn't right.....well, I was right. They told me that I had lost the baby. They said my egg fertilized, but never attached since I had my "period" on time. I can't say that I was shocked by this, but I was still upset. Well, after that, my periods were not right. I was physically ill each month around the time of my period and I would never bleed. I got tested for Premature Ovarian Dysfunction aka early menopause. Test was negative....doc said all my parts worked and I was clear to try again. Ok, I know I am just a nurse, but something else was going on.....hormonal imbalance??? Either way, I was done trying to guess what was going on so in October I got back on the pill to try to regulate my cycles again. I took it for 3 months....the pill is not my friend.....I bled constantly. So, doc told me to go ahead and get off. If I didn't have a period in 3 months after stopping to call back and I would get started on a new medication.

Ok, back to my story, so I hadn't started let. This was my first month off the pill. I felt like crying because I really didn't want to go through all this drama again. I was for sure that the pill would help regulated me. I was upset. John told me to go ahead a take another pregnancy test. I told John that I was pregnant, but John wanted me to go ahead a take the test. So, I did. It was........POSITIVE!!!! WHAT????? Ok, again, the line was very faint. Again, I thought the same thing was happening back in March. I couldn't go through that again. John laughed at me and said, "you just drank a whole thing of sweet tea. Your urine is probably diluted." Ok, when did he get so smart.

February 17-Took another test, it was positive and the line was a little darker. I had to work that day. I called Dr. Beckman's office right away. It took me forever to get ahold of them. I got my lab work and then at the end of the day got the phone call. It was not exactly the news I was wanting to hear. My HCG levels were 60.52 that meant I was pregnant. However, my progesterone levels 6.89. It was a very low normal. Last March, my progesterone level was 3.4-couldn't save the pregnancy. So, I was told that I was indeed pregnant, but my progesterone level wasn't going to be high enough to keep the pregnancy. However, since I was a low normal they were going to start me on progesterone tablets to see if my levels would continue to rise. I was to get retested on Monday. They said they wanted my levels at 15. Well, I looked back and noticed that with Lily was progesterone level was 15.15. So, that night, I went to CVS and picked up my prescription.....the cost $60. WOW!!! That's with insurance. So, I started my medication.

February 20th-I went to lab to get my lab work......the final results.....HCG 159.94, progesterone 18.3.....I got the call to congratulated me...I was indeed pregnant. My first OB appt was set for March 22nd.

February 28th-I was cramping so bad. No spotting though. I called the office to see if this was normal. Dr. Beckman was in a c-section so the nurse couldn't talk to him. However, she went ahead and ordered lab work on me. I went to the hospital and then waited on the call. Dr. Beckman's nurse called. My HCG level was 3500....she told me to come in for an ultrasound to make sure the embryo was attaching correctly. She told me that I wasn't going to see a baby, but just to see if things were going like they should. So, I went and everything looked good.

March 16th-I didn't feel good at all. I fought a migraine all night. I called into work. Later that morning, I started to spot. I went 8 whole weeks without spotting and now here it is. I called the office and they told me to come right in. John, luckily, was home so he took me to the doctor. I got into the ultrasound. Dr. Beckman did it. He said that the baby looked good. We got to see and hear the heartbeat. It was 167. He did notice that there was fluid behind my cervix and said that is where I am spotting. He said both me and baby was fine and not to worry.

March 22nd-My first official OB appt. I got another ultrasound. The baby measured right on at 9 weeks. Heart beat 167. I still had that same spot behind my cervix. Dr. Beckman said everything looked really good. He said 95% of women that spot and baby had a good heartbeat delivered healthy babies. My chances of miscarriaged dropped after 10 weeks and then the chances dropped again after 14 weeks. My due date set for 10/25/12. I am having a schedule c-section so I will deliver early.

April 2-I passed two blood clots. Again, called Dr. Beckman's office. They told me to come in. Dr. Beckman did my ultrasound. The baby measured right on at 10 wks 4 days. Heart rate 167 (magic number) and the baby was just jumping around like crazy. The fluid behind my cervix was gone, but I had a new area of fluid behind my uterus. This is where the blood clots were probably coming from. My placenta is forming and it might be forming too close to my cervix. So, I will have another ultrasound in 2 wks to check the progress of it. Dr. Beckman again told me that my chances of miscarriage has dropped since I have made it to 10 wks, but definitely understands my worry. He told me to call anytime. I always apologize when I am there. I don't make a very good patient. I feel like a bug. However, this time around, I am more scared than ever. The spotting is so much different than what I had with Lily. Anyway, my next appt is April 19th.

Well, I hope I didn't bore you too much. I wrote this all down mostly for me. I don't have a baby book yet on this baby, so this is so I can remember all of this for when I get a book for Baby Potts #2.

I would appreciate prayers!!!