Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sweet Home Eldorado

Lily and I made our way back to Illinois this week. We went to visit my mom. We had to take her to Missouri for a doctor appointment. Driving 2 hrs for a 30 minute appt and another 2 hrs home just doesn't justify itself. However, my mom likes this doc, so go figure.

Lily and I got to visit with my sister and my nephews while we were home. Lily does so well with little babies. She doesn't get jealous at all. She actually wants to hold the baby and giving kisses. I am very surprised, but hey, I will take it. She kept pointing to Braden saying, "baby." I would say, "yes Lily, it's a baby." Then she would pucker up and give baby kisses. Then, she constantly wants to pet the baby like its a dog or something. She is very good with him. Kind of makes me feel good knowing this, so when we decided to have another baby, she will be alright.
My nephews, Lily, and me
Well, I have had a head cold for a week now. It gets better and then worse. I have a constant headache with this. Sometimes it is just pretty dull. Then my head feels like it is going to explode!! I have taken everything. I'm so over this headache thing.

John and I almost have all of our bedroom furniture in. Yes, I know.....John and I had bedroom furniture that was over 3o years old and it was a full size bed. Our bedroom isn't big enough for the bedroom suite that we really like, plus it was like $5000. So, we decide it would be fine to keep what we had. Well, my sister had this furniture in her spare room, but had to get rid of it to make room for Braden. She asked us if we would buy it off of her. Ok, the furniture is nice, not really our style, but for the bed with mattress, dresser with mirror, side table, entertainment center, and a deep freezer for $500.....we really couldn't pass up that opportunity. I think it really looks nice in our room. I just have to get new curtains, a table for John's side of the bed, and we don't have the entertainment center yet. It is really nice to sleep in a queen size bed!!!

Our new bed

Our new dresser
I just want to say Congratulations to my cousins Becky and Henry. They welcomed Kyle Nathan Eirich into the world July 21 at 9:51 am. He weighed in at 7lbs 4oz and was 20.5 inches long. I can't wait to meet him!

Lily in my old rocking chair at Nana's house.

My pretty girl...she is getting so big!

Anway, here are some pics from our visit to Illinois:

Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa

Lily and her buddy Dillon

Lily and her new ride at Nana's

Eating a popsicle

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Firecracker, Firecracker....

Well, I can't believe we are halfway into July. I feel like life is just slipping away from me. It's already halfway through 2010. Where is the time going? Seriously? I really want to know!!

Right now, I feel like I am on a bad luck streak. I get on these streaks from time to time. Let me just tell you, I can't wait until it is over. It's like, what else can go wrong?? I'll explain later....

July 4th is my favorite holiday. I don't know why. It's not like we do anything special. However, this year, I was off, and we decided to have our friends Jen, Aaron, Dale, Mary Beth and their son Wesley over for a cookout. It was so nice seeing everyone. We got to see Wesley for the first time. He is so cute! I loved holding him. It almost gave me baby fever!! Anyway, earlier that day, we went to Otwell for the parade that they have for the 4th. We had to leave before it ended because Lily was getting way too hot. We totally forgot her hat and she was bright red and sweating. We got there late and didn't get the shaded area. So, we left, I was pushing fluids (yeah, the nurse in me was coming out) so she wouldn't get dehydrated. John and I had every intention of taking Lily to the fireworks that night. However, she was so tired, we couldn't keep her up (Thanks eastern time zone!)
Lily meeting Wesley...she gave him a kiss!
My nephew Braden Jack entered the world on July 7th at 4:36 pm at The Women's Hospital in Evansville. He weighed in at 7lbs 13 oz and 19.5 inches long. He is such a doll. His big brother Dillon is not a happy camper. He doesn't want the share the spotlight. However, if he pretends that his name is Ian, then he will acknowledge him. Long story about the name Ian, but Dillon wanted to name is brother that so bad, but my sister didn't like it at all. So, I guess Dillon will call him that anyway.

Meeting Braden for the first time

Ok, so on to my bad luck streak. I guess you can say it started in June when I got my first speeding ticket. I was going to work and a cop clocked me at 59 in a 35. However, I was NOT in the 35 mph zone yet. I was in the 45 (yeah, it's still speeding, but not as bad). Anyway, the cop asked me where I work and I told him. He asked me if it was an emergency....ok, so I could have easily lied here. However, I thought, no if you are truthful, he will give you a break. So, I was completely honest with him and I got a big fat ticket. $191.50 later, I am broke and pissed off.
Then, some issues has started with my family, which I will not go into. Then, I went to the grocery store yesterday. I was not having a good day as is, because Lily was NOT cooperating. Anyway, I came home and I dropped the gallon of milk I just bought and it busted all over the kitchen floor. Of course, this is an invitation for Lily to play in it. So, that was a huge mess to clean up. This morning, I was getting in my car to go to work, I backed up and heard this horrible sound. John was getting into his truck and jumped out. I seriously thought something was caught under my car. John made me get out. He looked and couldn't find anything. So, instead of looking and both of us being late for work. He just took me to work. John thought something was going on with my brakes. Tonight, John fixed the problem....THANK GOODNESS!! There was a rock stuck inside my tired up against my brakes. Wow...didn't know it couldn't make such a sound. Then, the worst thing so far, I had a patient's family refuse me as a nurse. Seriously!!! I have NEVER in my career as a nurse had this happen to me. At first, I was really upset about it. However, after hearing the reason, it made me mad and sad at the same time. I will tell you that health care is becoming ridiculous. A hospital is not a hotel. I cannot be a nurse, teacher, psychologist, mentor, pharmacist, maid, cook, spiritual leader, personal assistant, or babysitter at the same time. I am one person trying my best. This is why, I really hate my job. You do your best and people seriously expect more out of you. In this case, I did everything they wanted, but yet, it wasn't good enough. So, whatever.

Well, I guess that's it for me. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I just hope mine gets better!