Thursday, August 16, 2012

30 weeks and counting!

Today, I went for my 30 week appointment. Let's just say, that place was a mad house!!! I couldn't believe how full the waiting area was. Since I have been on a rant all day, I will continue, I don't think that you should bring your whole family to the OB doc. Seriously, it's one thing if this is your first ultrasound or your 20 week ultrasound, but just to bring them to your regular appointment is wrong. I am not kidding you when I say, there were two different families that brought like 6-7 family members with them....then 3 went back to the room while the remaining stayed in the waiting room....for real, what is the point? The waiting room was so crowded and very very loud!! Ok, enough with my rant!!!

So, back to my appointment. I have gained a total of 16 lbs. I got on the scale and realized that I was trying to suck in. I just had to giggle to myself. Like that was really going to help! Anyway, my blood pressure was good...I think it was 108/80. No protein in my urine. Now the moment of truth....measuring my fundus.....I measured 34 cm....which really means 34 weeks. Yep! I am measuring ahead again. Dr. Beckman wasn't too worried....he just says that I grow toddlers instead of babies...which is very true. Anyway, just to double check everything, next appointment I am having a growth scan done. I have never measured right, so we will see.

So, no other news at the appointment. However, we have started on Baby boy's room. We got it painted and the crib is put together with his cute little bedding on it. Now we are in the process of moving the rest of the furniture in his room from Lily's. We still have to put her dresser together before we can move more stuff. It's been quite the work. However, I really love Lily's new's so cute. I will post pics soon of each of their rooms and of my growing belly!!

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