Wednesday, August 1, 2012

28 weeks....Finally in the Third Trimester!

Tomorrow will be my official date of being 28 weeks. I am so excited that I will be in the third trimester. Only 12 more weeks until I meet my baby boy! Wow! At times, I think this pregnancy has been really slow and other times I think it's going too fast. I am starting to feel overwhelmed with everything that is going on. I still have to get baby's room ready, get a new phone line put in so we can move our computer and desk out of baby's room, buy baby stuff (which I am almost done with that), and don't forget the bills piling in from the doctor's office and soon to be delivery. I am very grateful that I get an employee discount, but geez whiz....everything is getting so expensive. (I could go on and on about this...will save for a different post)
Anyway, the point to my post. I had my 28 week appointment today. My doctor is out of town, so I got to see the nurse practitioner for the first time. She was very nice. Well, my appointment went great. My blood pressure was 120/60 (which it isn't fair that they check your blood pressure right after weighing you). I gained 4 lbs for a total of 11.5 lbs. My goal was to only gain 15lbs. I don't think I will make that goal. There wasn't any protein in my urine. She checked baby's heartbeat, he was in the 150s. Then she measured me, I am measuring 2 weeks ahead. Which is good because last time I was 4 weeks ahead. So, he is starting to even out a little bit. Then the best news of all....I PASSED my glucose test!!! Yipee!!!! Anyway, I start my 2 week appointments now. I go back August 16th.
So, back to my glucose test. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I was told that I was probably going to have to do the 3 hr glucose test because Lily was a big baby and that my glucose with her was a high normal. So, when Dr. Beckman told me it was time for my glucose test I cringed. I hated the thought of having to do the 3 hr test. To my surprise, he totally forgot and I got to do the 1 hr test. (Who am I to remind the doc of what he said earlier ;) ) So, Saturday I went and did my glucose test. I was absolutely dreading it. That stuff is a lot nastier than I remembered. 5 minutes is not nearly enough time to get that stuff down. However, I managed and I almost threw it up. I felt horrible while waiting that hour. Finally, it was time to stick me. I am a bad stick, meaning, I don't have very good veins. The first girl stuck me twice and both times my veins blew, leaving me with two giant bruises. The second girl came in and got me with no problems. However, it hurt like you wouldn't believe. What the worst part about this was that, I could immediately hear my blood going into the vial. I knew she got it, but coming off a sugar high, being in that chair forever to get stuck 3 times, and then that sound....well, I wasn't feeling the greatest. They had 4 vials of blood to get and on the 3rd vial I was feeling lightheaded and antsy. I looked at one of the girls and I guess she knew I wasn't doing well because she asked if I was ok. I said no. They hurried up and not the last vial and told me to relax. Well, I was on the verge of passing out and I knew it. Don't tell me to relax and especially since I am an ICU nurse. I started saying, "I need to put my feet up to get blood flow to my heart/head." They told me no. I started to stand up and said I am just going to lay on the floor then. They finally just grabbed me and took me to the back room with a bed. I laid there for about 10 minutes. The girls got John and he quickly came back. They asked if I ever did this before.....uh, no. So, I am very relieved that I don't have to do that again!!!!

27 weeks and 6 days

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