Lily's new carseat finally came in the mail on Wednesday. I think I was more excited about it than Lily. We went with the Evenflo Titan Elite. So far, I really like it. Lily also seems to like it as well. That night, I ordered Evenflo Titan Sport carseat for John's truck and grandma's car. Hopefully, they will be in soon because Lily does NOT fit in her infant seat anymore!! Now, I am officially broke after paying for 3 carseats. Geez, why does everything have to be so expensive??
trying out Lily's carseat
I am starting to get emotional about how big Lily is getting. I can't believe she is 10 months and I am planning her birthday. I feel like she should be 3 months old. I still have her jumperoo out that she is too big for, her swing, and her infant carseat. We are going to have to put all of them away in the attic. That makes me so so sad. However, Lily still uses the swing. She is getting close to the weigh requirements on that thing, but sometimes that is the only way to get her to sleep. So, John and I really need to start breaking her from that habit. I think John is going to have a harder time than Lily. John can NOT stand to hear Lily cry. He is all about holding her and comforting her when she cries. However, not every situation needs to be dealt like that. So, if you can't tell....daddy is a softy, but he loves his little girl!
Thursday was my first day back at work. I actually had a really good day. I had two really good patients for 12 hrs. Plus, I didn't get any admits!! That's a good day! Friday was a decent day. I got two very sick patients. I was pretty busy all day long, but I wasn't up for an admit, so that was a good day in my book! It was good to see everyone.
I feel so behind on things. I had this weekend off, but the weather has really brought me down. I still have stuff to do like vacuum, dusting, clean the bathrooms, Lily's laundry, put Lily's pack n play in the closet, and move Lily's mattress down on her crib (she's starting to climb). I have had 3 days off and nothing done. I think I'm just going to blame it on the time change and the weather...sounds good anyway. Next week, I work a pretty weird schedule. So, I really don't know how much I will get done.
trying on her Easter dress
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