Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy 10 months Lillian!

Yep! I can't believe it....I just can't believe it! Lillian is 10 months old today!!! To celebrate this special occasion, I took Lillian to the park today. I got the good Ole' stroller out and we walked by the lake. Of course, what is a trip to the park without a visit to the swings. Lillian seemed to enjoy herself. She was very good for mommy today. I was very thankful for that!!

So, what is Lillian doing now? Right now, she is pulling up on everything to stand and taking a few steps. She is still very unsteady, but that girl wants to walk!!! Lily has two teeth, but working on 3 & 4 as we speak. She still doesn't "crawl" she scoots everywhere she needs to go and she is pretty fast at it too. She is getting into EVERYTHING! Baby food is not happening....she gets it in her mouth and spits it back out at you. She wants table and only table food. She still takes 5-7 oz of formula every 4-5 hrs. She is mastering the sippy cup. Sometimes, she still forgets to hold it up for more. She will NOT for the life of me hold her own bottle if you are holding her. She will hold the bottle if she is in her carseat and that is it. If you are holding her, she wants to hold your hand. If you won't let her hold your hand, then she is done eating. That little girl has some attitude!! Lily gives kisses on the check now. It's very cute!!! She waves bye bye. Her new words: hi, bye, Lily. She still says: mom, dada, duck. Her favorite toys are anything that plays music!! She loves to listen to music and dance!! She has officially grew out of her infant carseat. I'm waiting on her new carseat to arrive at the end of this week! So, that's Lily in a nutshell!

Happy 10 months Lillian! Mommy and daddy love you very much! We are so proud of you!

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