Sunday, March 28, 2010
I am in shock
We took Lily to get her Easter/9 month pics last week. I didn't want to do her pics when she was 9 months because I knew Easter would be coming soon, so I just waited a month. Her pics were alright. I'm glad I didn't spend too much on them. Lily wasn't in a very good mood. Her teeth were bothering her and most of the pics had her hand in her mouth. We were able to get a few good ones though. As we were finishing, there was this lady that wanted to get her picture taken with her children and didn't have an appointment, so she had to wait. Her daughter was absolutely rude, not just to her mother and other siblings, but to us as well. She was the biggest brat. Her mother did nothing to control her. I wanted to smack her across the face (I would never do it to anyone) but oh my. I don't understand people sometimes. I would never let Lily act like that.
Last night, we went to Evansville to celebrate my upcoming birthday. It was fun. Our friends Jen, Aaron, Dale, Mary Beth, Chris, Meghan, and Austin all come as well. It was so much fun catching up with them. We haven't got to see everyone like that in a long time.
Well, I am kind of sad. I just found out that I have loss my job at Deaconess. I have worked there since November of 2001. When I moved to Evansville for nursing school, I started working there as a CNA. They were very good to me. I started my nursing career there. I learned so much. I left in March of 2008 to work full time at Memorial in Jasper and work as needed at Deaconess. I physically could not drive the hour and a half to Deaconess main campus three days a week. Plus, the cost of gas was sky high. Well, after a few incidences (long story), Deaconess has decided to close that unit down and convert it into a Med-surg unit. The staff doesn't know what will happen with them. However, I am sadly going quit because I do not have to time to train on a different floor, if they even decided to keep me on payroll. I am very sad. Deaconess was my home. I started out there and I was always hoping that one day, I would end up back there. Insert tears!
I am hoping to post new pics soon. I am getting ready to go to John's family for Easter celebration. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Where's the sunshine??
Lily's new carseat finally came in the mail on Wednesday. I think I was more excited about it than Lily. We went with the Evenflo Titan Elite. So far, I really like it. Lily also seems to like it as well. That night, I ordered Evenflo Titan Sport carseat for John's truck and grandma's car. Hopefully, they will be in soon because Lily does NOT fit in her infant seat anymore!! Now, I am officially broke after paying for 3 carseats. Geez, why does everything have to be so expensive??
trying out Lily's carseat
trying on her Easter dress
Monday, March 8, 2010
Happy 10 months Lillian!
So, what is Lillian doing now? Right now, she is pulling up on everything to stand and taking a few steps. She is still very unsteady, but that girl wants to walk!!! Lily has two teeth, but working on 3 & 4 as we speak. She still doesn't "crawl" she scoots everywhere she needs to go and she is pretty fast at it too. She is getting into EVERYTHING! Baby food is not happening....she gets it in her mouth and spits it back out at you. She wants table and only table food. She still takes 5-7 oz of formula every 4-5 hrs. She is mastering the sippy cup. Sometimes, she still forgets to hold it up for more. She will NOT for the life of me hold her own bottle if you are holding her. She will hold the bottle if she is in her carseat and that is it. If you are holding her, she wants to hold your hand. If you won't let her hold your hand, then she is done eating. That little girl has some attitude!! Lily gives kisses on the check now. It's very cute!!! She waves bye bye. Her new words: hi, bye, Lily. She still says: mom, dada, duck. Her favorite toys are anything that plays music!! She loves to listen to music and dance!! She has officially grew out of her infant carseat. I'm waiting on her new carseat to arrive at the end of this week! So, that's Lily in a nutshell!
Happy 10 months Lillian! Mommy and daddy love you very much! We are so proud of you!
I can't believe the weather!
My sister decided on a name for her baby. She is going to name him Braden Jack Wiggins. I am so excited to meet him July 9th. We still don't know how Dillon is going to react his baby brother.
We came home on Tuesday. However, we got home much later than expected. I had to run by Deaconess to do some inservices. What I thought was going to take me 10 minutes, ended up being an hour and a half. I had to bring Lily and it was a mess. She would not let me focus on anything else except for her. So, I didn't get home until 6pm. I was so happy to see John and he was happy to see us. Later that night, Lily surprised her daddy with pulling up to a standing position by herself. She had done it before, but not to where John could see it.
Thursday was not a good day! Lillian was starting to get a new tooth and she was a terror!!! She was fussy, crying, and mean all day long. My nerves were shot to say the least. At one point, I picked up Lily and she was screaming and throwing herself everywhere. She ended up hitting me in the nose with her head. I thought I broke my nose. It hurt so bad. It's still sore, but I didn't break it....thank goodness! So, when John came home, I just handed Lily off and told him I needed a break! So, John arranged a babysitter and he took me out to dinner. Very nice of him, but he still didn't have a clue how bad she was that day!!
Saturday, Lily still wasn't in the best of moods. Of course, she wasn't sleeping well due to her tooth. We had a birthday party to go to that evening, so we were trying our best to get her to take a nap.....yeah right!! We ended up being late to the party. Lily decided to pee everywhere 3 times before leaving the house. Needless to say, that was a mess! Anyway, we arrived! The birthday party was for Austin Olds. He turned two! Lily and Austin got to ride around in a wagon thanks to Uncle Aaron. Lily LOVED the wagon!! (I guess we will be buying her one for her birthday!) I really wish I would have taken a picture of it. It was so so cute!!!
Congratulations Luke and Ashley Schultz! Bowen Matthew arrived March 7th at 1:15am, 7lbs 14.7 oz and 20 inches long! He is beautiful! Congrats to Rae....she is an AUNT!!
Sunday wasn't as pretty, but we took Lillian to the park. She seemed to enjoy it! She is definitely a people watcher!! On our way home, John washed his truck. Lily and I were playing and I just happened to see that her tooth FINALLY came through! YAY! Sad news though, she is getting both her top teeth now...great! So, our drama continues with the teeth.