Friday, July 10, 2009

Two months already

I can't believe it. Lillian is already two months old. Where is the time going? It feels like yesterday I was walking into the hospital to have Lily. Man! Before long she will be potty trained, going to school, dating, going to college, getting married and having kids. I know, I'm getting ahead of myself, but the time is really flying by.

July 20th is my first day back to work. I'm excited, but nervous about it. I haven't been apart from Lillian more than 4 hours. I work 12 hour, what am I going to do? I feel like I'm going to miss all the little things going on in her life. However, I am also excited to go back to work. I miss the adult conversations. I miss going out in the world and feel like I'm contributing to our family (with a paycheck). I'm definitely going to miss my sweet baby girl, but I'm not a stay at home mother type. If I could take Lily to work with me....that would be the best thing ever!! I don't think they would let me though.

Anyway, Lillian went for her two month appointment on Wednesday. She weighed 11lbs, 14 oz and was 22 3/4 inches. Her head circumference was 39.8 cm. The doctor said she was perfect (like he had to tell me that!). After that, we headed to the Dubois Co. Health Department for her shots. (I wanted them done at the office, but my insurance wouldn't cover them. Isn't that a preventive measure? Insurance companies are so funny sometimes. Needless to say, it was going to cost $200 out of pocket. So, we went to the health department for $8 per shot) Lillian got three shots and them the rotavirus cocktail. She did unbelievable. She cried for a minute and then went to sleep. So, I'm trying to figure out if she was really crying because of the shot or because she was tired??? She slept all the way home and then some. I was really nervous about the shots. I was by myself and didn't know how she would react. So, I was so relieved when she did so well.

Mommy, I am hungry! (she is already a princess)
I'm better now....take my picture!

This is my better side!

I kissed it and made it better!
I don't think she like Pooh...she kept slapping him like crazy!
Daddy and Lily
Sleeping in her big girl bed!


Sandy said...

gosh she's getting so big! Her grins are so adorable! Such a happy girl...well...except when she wants to eat lol...Sammi's the same way. Completely content afterwards but GIVE ME MY FOOD MAMA! lol....she's such a doll baby, you and John are doing a great job with her. Good luck going back to work!!!

Chelsa said...

what a little cutie!! glad she did so well with her shots. i always hated it when B had to get them, but i think it is best to do so! we go to our county health office for shots. B's docter sends all his patients there b/c he doesn't want them to be scared that everytime they go to the doc. they will be getting a shot b/c he said they sense it and remember it. i never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense!!