Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th!

Yeah, I'm a little late. I hope everyone had a fun July 4th. I always love this holiday. I don't know why either. It's not like we have a huge party or buy fireworks. I just really seem to enjoy this holiday. I usually spend the day doing absolutely nothing and then going to see fireworks. This year was pretty much the same thing. However, we had our friends Jen and Aaron over. We cooked out and just enjoyed each other's company. Lily got to spend some time with her Aunt Jen and Uncle Aaron. She just loves them!! At 9:30 the guys decided to put together a ceiling fan for our bedroom. Needless to say, it took two hours to get it together and working. However, it looks awesome!!! Thank you guys for your help!!!
Anyway, here is some pics from the 4th. Hope you enjoy them!!

Lillian and mommy celebrating the 4th!

Lillian showing off her cute little outfit!

Daddy and Lily having fun!

Aunt Jen feeding Lily
The new fan!!

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