Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Adjusting to parenthood

Wow! It's been so long since I have posted anything. John and I are still trying to adjust to parenthood. I can't believe our little girl is almost 4 weeks old. The time is just flying by!!! I love getting to spend time with my baby girl daily. I really don't know what I'm going to do when I go back to work. I still have 6 weeks left of maternity leave and I'm already dreading to go back to work.
Anyway, it the past couple of weeks, we have had some drama with her feedings. I first started out breastfeeding. However, my milk didn't come in quick enough and my poor baby was losing so much weight. So, needless to say, we started her on formula. Good thing too!!! She was a whole new baby once she got some food. Now, our issue is that she keeps spitting up.......it's more like vomitting to me. I think my baby has GERD. She has all the symptoms of it. So, tomorrow morning I'm going to call the doctor to see what we can do about it. I'm to a point that I absolutely hate feeding her.....everytime she finishes her bottle she gives me this look like, "mommy, you better watch out!" Sure enough, by the time I get her up to my shoulder to start burping her she vomits half the bottle if not the whole bottle I just gave her. I feel so helpless. I have done every trick in the book that I have learned in nursing school to help her with this issue, but nothing seems to work. So, hopefully, tomorrow I can get some answers.
Besides that, everything is going well. We took our first visit to Illinois to see Grandma Alice. Lillian did excellent on the ride there. She slept the entire time in the car. We were so tired when we came home on Sunday. We saw so many people while we were home. It was so good to see everyone and for them to meet Lillian, but I think I was more tired than Lily. We can't wait to go back at the end of June for cousin Dillon's birthday!
Lillian is sleeping really well. I am very lucky for that. We get up twice a night for feedings and she usually goes right back asleep. She is still sleeping in mommy and daddy's room in her pack n play. We borrowed a bassinet from my sister, however, Lillian hated that thing. She would never sleep in it. So, we quickly went to plan B. We ended up buying another pack n play at Babies R Us when there was a sell. So, now we have one in our bedroom and one in the living room. She just loves them both!
Hopefully, I can get on here a little more often and give you updates on our sweet baby girl. I'm going to post some pics of Lillian.

Daddy and Lillian going to church
Lillian at 12 days old

3 weeks old!

John and I at Ashley's wedding reception......we look so tired!!

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