Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Second trimester!

Well, I made it!! I am in the second trimester of this pregnancy!! I am so behind excited. Right now, as I am writing this, I am actually 15 weeks and 6 tomorrow I will be 16 weeks!!! Yeah!!

I am feeling a little better. I still get nauseated from time to time. I still have the exhaustion, but now it hits me much later in the day. I can honestly say, I am not eating for two. I barely eat for one. I try to eat small meals throughout the day. My cravings include: Mexican (especially Hacienda in Evansville), waffles, fruit, and ice tea (which I limit a great deal because I could drink gallons of it).

I am still not sleeping that great. I am a belly sleeper so trying to sleep on my sides is just not cutting it. I am to the point now that sleeping on my back is a no go. I can start to feel my blood pressure drop if I am on my back for too long.

I think I have felt the baby move this week. I am usually busy when I think I have felt the baby, so when I try to relax, the baby doesn't do it anymore. So, I start to second guess myself.

Lily is starting to become more interested in her baby dolls. She likes to put her babies in the car seat we just bought. She wanted me to put them in the car with her (car seat and all). She is getting her stroller out and rocking them to sleep. I think she will make a good big sister. I can't wait to refer to the baby with a name instead of just baby. I think that will help Lily too.

Lily's baby taking a nap
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I got a huge surprise. My oldest sister Carrie, is pregnant as well. We are 5 weeks apart. I am due October 25 and she is due December 3. Should be interesting.....

My next appointment is Monday, May 14th, and then after that will be my 20 week ultrasound to see the gender!!! I can not wait!!!

13 weeks
15 weeks
My sister and I...15 weeks and 9 weeks

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