Lillian passed out....she didn't feel good
Kisses for mommy!
Of course you all know that Sunday was Valentine's Day. It was really special this year because Lillian was here to celebrate with us. Sunday, we had planned to go to Evansville as a family and go out to eat. However, with Lillian being sick, our plans got changed. Lily stayed with grandma while John and I ran to Evansville to eat at Red Lobster. It was really good. Then, we came home. It was a short visit, but I really wanted to see my baby girl. When we got home, we had her gift waiting on her. She really enjoyed it. I think she liked the bag it came in more than the actual present. Oh! I can't forget....John treated me like a queen! I got flowers, candy, Bath & Body works lotion, and a DS game. I loved all my gifts!! I got John a massage to True Day Spa in Jasper. He is always complaining about his back and shoulders, so what a good way to relieve the pain. Plus, I don't have enough hand strength to give him one myself. Lily got her Daddy some candy. He loved it!
Lillian got some new clothes, pjs, and a book. I think next year I will just give her a bag...haha!

Our family pic for Valentine's Day!
After giving our gifts to Lily, we just sat around and played. As soon as John turned on the Olympics to figure skating, Lily was memorized! She kept looking at the TV! It was so cute!
In other news, I am having my gallbladder taken out on Monday. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I just want to live a normal life. I carry around zofran all the time in case I get hit with some nausea. Not fun. John is taking off Monday-Thursday to be with me. I told Marcus (my surgeon) that if I had to be admitted, then I wanted to go to ICU to have my co-workers care for me. He said, "if you end up in the ICU, then I really screwed up." Geez...thanks Marcus!!! No, he is a good surgeon. He likes to joke around. We really enjoy getting his patients. So, Monday at 9am, I will be in surgery. Wish me luck!!!
My friend Heather is moving back to Evansville this weekend! I am so so excited for her to be moving back! She moved about 2 years ago to Chicago, I haven't seen her since then. So, her moving back is so exciting to me. She hasn't met Lillian, so I am excited to see her!!
I finally have Lillian's first birthday party planned! I picked out her theme yesterday. It is so cute!! I am very excited about her birthday. I know this means she won't be a baby any more, but I am still excited for her. I can't wait to see her eat her cake and see all her family. She won't remember this party, but I sure will!
Oh!!! Yesterday, I get a bill in the mail from Jasper Pediatrics for $405. I was shocked to say the least. I looked at the bill (from Sept/Nov 2009) and insurance didn't cover a penny. Lily is covered under both John and my insurance. So, she is double insured. Needless to say, I was pissed!!! I was hot last night. I had the bill, the insurance cards, and the phone in my hand to yell at someone. Well, of course, it was 8:30 at night, nobody was going to be there. I was hot....did I mention that? John was doing his best to calm me down. I don't think John has ever seen me this upset. I mean seriously, I have a lot to do during my day (just like most ppl) and having to deal with this on top of everything else....come on!!! So today, John called both insurance companies to straighten this mess out. John didn't want me to call....1) he didn't want me to stroke out 2) he didn't want our insurance cancelled from me screaming at them 3) he didn't want me to make a fool out of myself. So, it all worked out in the end. They will be picking up the bill.
Well, I better go. Wish me luck on Monday!!
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