Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Anyway, grandma came to pick Lily up at 6am. I gave her millions of kisses before she left. (I have been through surgery before, let me just tell you, this is the first surgery I have since Lily's birth and it scared me more thinking that something could go wrong and I wouldn't get to see my baby girl again. Little dramatic, but still, you never know!!!). Anyway, John took me to the hospital, I got checked in. My surgery was scheduled at 9am. I was in Same Day Surgery til 9:30am. Didn't know what the hold up was, but I was getting more and more nervous. Finally, they came to pick me up to take me to holding. I was placed beside this 90 year lady who was getting her eyes done. I didn't know the exact procedure, but she kept me entertained while I waited. Dr. Kurucz (Marcus is what we call him though) came to visit with me. He said that the water to the hospital got shut off that morning and they couldn't sterilized the scopes they needed for my surgery. So, that is why there was a delay on my surgery. The scopes were being sterilized. He also told me that he went through the ICU department and Vanessa and Ronica harassed him about taking good care of me. He told them that he was going to mess with me and put a colostomy bag and a big dressing on my abdomen to make me think he had to do this extensive surgery. He is so funny! (Thanks Vanessa and Ronica for checking up on me). My nurse came to introduce herself and then the anaesthesia came to talk to me. Marcus told me before he left that he was going to go do a colonscopy real quick while the room was getting ready. So, I waited in holding for about an hour. Finally, the nurse came out and said they were ready for me. I got some "happy juice" before I even got to the room and that is all I can remember. I didn't even get to see the room, I was out. I woke up at 11:45 in PACU. I was sleepy and sore but pretty much alright. I had three nurse taking care of me. (Marcus ratted me out and told everyone that I was an ICU nurse, so they were trying their hardest to take extra care of me) My PACU nurse said that I was the best patient she has had in a long time. I woke up fast and I didn't complain of that much pain. My vitals were great. The only issue I had, which was completely normal, my throat was sore and dry from being without food and water for 16 hrs and having the endotracheal tube for breathing during surgery. I kept coughing, which was not helping the pain situation. Oh! Let's not forget, I was checking my stomach for any unnecessary dressings Marcus may have placed. He didn't do anything like he said he would! I'll have to give him a hard time at my follow up appointment. Anyway, I was out of PACU by noon.
I went back to Same Day Surgery. John was waiting on me when I got there. It was so good to see him. He told me that Marcus came to talk to him. Marcus said that the surgery went great. He went ahead and fixed a hernia that I had. However, he said that I would probably need to get it done again later. He just sutured the hernia down, but later I will need mesh. He couldn't do it now with the risk of infection. I was surprised I had a hernia, but then again, all I do is lift on people. I have noticed a difference where he fixed it though. Well, the nurse came in and gave me a pain pill and told me that I had to walk and use the bathroom before I could go home. Then, she left. I waited for about 30 minutes before she came back in. I immediately told her I wanted to get up and use the bathroom. She was really surprised! I walked down the hall (with my big butt sticking out) and went to the bathroom. I don't know if that hernia was pushing on my bladder or what, but my bladder felt completely different....in a good way! After giving birth, my bladder wasn't the same, but now it's back to normal...too weird.
I was discharged home around 1pm. I was so happy to get home and to relax. We went to CVS to get my pain medication and to McDonald's to get me a sweet tea and John some lunch. I came home and immediately changed clothes and made a spot on the couch. I took about a two hour nap. I felt a little better, but not much. Lily came home not too much later. I was SO SO SO happy to see her. I can't lift her, but I gave her a million more kisses. Marcus said that Lily is the only thing I can lift for two weeks, but for the next couple of days I'm not going to hold her. Especially since I had a hernia along with this.
Last night was a very long and uncomfortable night. I couldn't lay flat because of the gas that they used during surgery it would come up to my shoulders and I felt I couldn't breathe. John brought extra pillows in to lift my head up. I tried that for a couple of hours but it didn't help. About 1 am, John got me up and I laid on the couch. That didn't help either, so 3:30 am John helped me up and I went back to bed. I slept for 4 hrs before Lily woke up. John got up with Lily while I stayed in bed, but I couldn't go back to sleep. Today, I have been really really sore. Not as bad as yesterday, but still sore. I am hoping in the next couple of days I will be back on my feet!
I just wanted to say Thank you for all the well wishes. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate my co-workers who are checking up on me...you guys are the best!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lillian passed out....she didn't feel good
Kisses for mommy!
Of course you all know that Sunday was Valentine's Day. It was really special this year because Lillian was here to celebrate with us. Sunday, we had planned to go to Evansville as a family and go out to eat. However, with Lillian being sick, our plans got changed. Lily stayed with grandma while John and I ran to Evansville to eat at Red Lobster. It was really good. Then, we came home. It was a short visit, but I really wanted to see my baby girl. When we got home, we had her gift waiting on her. She really enjoyed it. I think she liked the bag it came in more than the actual present. Oh! I can't forget....John treated me like a queen! I got flowers, candy, Bath & Body works lotion, and a DS game. I loved all my gifts!! I got John a massage to True Day Spa in Jasper. He is always complaining about his back and shoulders, so what a good way to relieve the pain. Plus, I don't have enough hand strength to give him one myself. Lily got her Daddy some candy. He loved it!
Lillian got some new clothes, pjs, and a book. I think next year I will just give her a bag...haha!

Our family pic for Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
It's a boy!
In other news, Lily is now sick :( She got her cold from grandma. I'm a little upset with the situation because grandma was sick for a week before she bothered to tell us she wasn't feeling good. I don't see grandma, John drops her off and picks her up, so I had no idea she was sick. The whole time she was watching Lily. I about had a fit when I found out. Seriously, if you don't feel good....say something! Don't feel like you have to watch my daughter and get her sick in the process. I'm so upset because I work in the hospital.....I know what is going around. The peds unit has been packed with RSV and flu. I don't want that for my daughter. Poor Lily has been sneezing and coughing like crazy. She doesn't sleep very good because she can't breathe out of her sweet little nose. I feel so bad for her. I would be more than happy to have this than her. Poor baby!
Congratulations to Ryan and Chelsa Knepp on the arrival of baby Corbin! He is a doll! I can't wait to meet him! Glad everyone is well! Keep us updated!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Happy 9 Months Lillian!
I can't believe my baby girl turned 9 months yesterday. Wow! That is really crazy to me. I really enjoy seeing her learn new things. She is just so much fun at this stage! Everyday is something new!! I love you Lillian! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!
Pretty Girl!
Mommy stop singing...you aren't that good!
Look Mommy...I can do it by myself
Let's see.....last Friday, Lillian came home from grandma's. She learned a new trick....Lillian knows how to clap now. She did it all day long on Friday. Yesterday, I was off and she was still clapping!! Maybe this is a sign that she is going to be a cheerleader like her mommy was!!!! Lillian is trying to stand. If she holds on to something, she can stand for a few minutes. Yesterday, she even took a step by herself holding on to the couch. I'm so not ready for her to walk!!! Lily loves cords......the lamp cord and the radio cord....yeah, she is all over them. I have to watch her more closely now. She wants to pull at them and of course...put them in her mouth. I can't keep up with her sometimes!!
She LOVED it!!
Ok, so I know I shouldn't be like this, but I have to get on my soap box. We have these neighbors that live right next to us. They don't have a whole lot of yard, so their kids have asked us if they could play in our yard a couple of times. Honestly, I don't care if they play in our yard. Last month, they knocked on our door and asked if they could go sledding down the hill in our back yard. That's fine, we just told them to be careful. Again, I don't care if they play in our yard....what gets me is that they leave all their toys in our yard. I'm a little OCD....I can't handle their stuff in our yard 24/7. We have balls, bikes, and a sled in our yard that isn't ours. This is winter too. Can you imagine how summer is going to be? John and I take a lot of pride in our home and yard. We really try hard to keep everything looking nice. They don't care...they have crap all over their yard, front porch, and now our yard. I don't think that is very respectful. I would NEVER let Lillian do that to our home, let alone someone else's. I don't think that is a whole lot to ask for...you play in our yard, you pick up your toys. Am I wrong?
I hope everyone is enjoying the snow day! It looks so pretty outside, I just don't want to go outside to see it. Again, I'm not feeling that well. I can't wait to get my gallbladder out. I have lost a lot of time and money from work and I can't afford to keep this up. I know I will be out another 2 weeks after my surgery....that is a real bummer. I was hopefully for a week. I can't wait to go see the surgeon and get this planned out! John is planning on taking the day off and go with me to my appointment. I was really surprised because he never goes to doctor appointments with me. Even when I was pregnant, he went to 2-3 appointments at the most. So, I was really suprised when he said that he wanted to go with me.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lily Pie
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
FINALLY.....I got some answers!
Well, today around 3, the doctor's office called me to confirm that I have gallstones. Dr. Burgeson wanted to refer me to a surgeon. They asked me if I had a preference (uh, yeah). So, I'm going to see Dr. Kurucz on Feb 17th at 3pm. So, hopefully, I will find out more then.
In other news, Lily had a massive blow out today. Yes, it's news to me because she hasn't done this but twice in her whole lifetime. Needless to say, Lily got a bath and our sheets on our bed got wash. I don't know how it came out of that diaper, but it did.
Well, I'm starting to plan Lillian's first birthday party. I have no idea about the theme of the party yet. I have some ideas in mind. I just can't believe that I'm already starting to think about this. Next week, Lillian will be 9 months. I can't believe it!
Next week, I should be finding out if I am going to have a new niece or new nephew. That is if my sister can decide if she is going to find out or not. One minute she wants to go and then the next she wants to be surprised. I can't keep up with her.
Oh!! Saturday, John and I had a scare. See, we were getting ready to go out with Jen and Aaron. I was in the bathroom fixing my makeup and John was in the bedroom with Lillian. He was changing clothes. All of a sudden, I heard this thump and Lillian screaming. I went running and John was holding Lillian freaking out. I immediately knew what happened. John put Lily on the bed while he was changing clothes. When he turned his head to get a shirt, Lily fell off the bed. I knew this day would come, but I didn't think it would be this soon. John was crying and holding Lily so tight I couldn't see her. John kept saying, "is she alright?" He would not let me touch her. Finally, I had to scream at him just to look at her. The nurse in me came out.....Of course I started looking for any broken bones, bruises, redness, etc. Then, I started doing a neuro check. Lily seem to be fine, just scared. John was so freaked out!!!! He bugged me all night long about her. He almost had me worked up. I kept telling him I would page the dr. on call or we could go to the hospital and get a CT of her head. He kept saying, "is she alright?" Lily ended up sleeping in our room that night. She is absolutely fine. John would not make a good nurse....he gets too worked up. That boy needs some xanax sometimes!
The other day, we finally had to take the mobile off of Lillian's bed. She was trying to pull herself up with it. So, we had to say goodbye to it. Her bed looks so weird without it. It really made me sad to take it off. I used to go in her room before she was born and just play her mobile and imagine a baby in the bed. Now look at her. Wow! I can't believe how big she is!
I also want to say one last thing......Chelsa, I think you are the strongest person I know! You have been through so much this past year. What would usually bring someone down into depression, you find the strength to keep going and to praise GOD for all your blessings. I look up to you. I read your blogs about Andon and every time I cry. I cry for you, your family, and for Andon. I know one day you will see him again! Happy Birthday Andon!!! I will be praying for you and Corbin....healthy baby & mommy and easy delivery!