Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray!

I guess that talk I had with the tooth fairy really paid off. Lily got her FIRST tooth!!! Now, we are working on the second! YAY! It's about time!!!

Oh! I also want to say Get Well Soon to my sister. She has the stomach bug and she is 15 wks pregnant. She had to go to the ER last night to get a shot of phenergan because she couldn't keep anything down. I also want to say Get Well Soon to my nephew Dillon whom has a viral infection. I love you both! Hope you guys get to feeling better soon!

And Yay for me!! I'm starting to feel better!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday, I finally went to the doctor. I was feeling alright, but knew I needed something done. I brought Lillian with me to the doctor....I really didn't know how that was going to turn out. Sometimes they frown upon bringing small children with you. However, I really didn't have a babysitter and I wasn't going to miss my appointment. Lillian did GREAT!! She is so outgoing....she definitely takes after daddy in that department. All the receptionists, nurses, and doctors wanted to see Lillian. She ate up all that attention....let me tell ya, she doesn't get enough of it at home!

Anyway, I told the doctor what was going on. She said that she was pretty sure it was my gallbladder and that a lot of women start having issues with it after they have a baby. She ordered me a gallbladder ultrasound. I will be getting that next Wednesday....unfortunately that was the soonest they could get me in. The doctor said that if the test was negative, she would ordered me a HIDA scan (xray for the gallbladder), if that was negative, then I would have an EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy). That is a procedure where they send a scope down my throat pass my stomach into the small intestine. They will definitely have to give sedation for that. Anyway, the doctor wants to start with the cheapest/less invasive procedures first and then go up. I'm really hoping that the ultrasound is all I have to do.

In other news, we are looking for a new car seat for Lillian. She has almost outgrown her infant car seat. In all honestly, she would probably benefit from a bigger one sooner than later because she has to be uncomfortable in the one she has. I started looking at them, but haven't really done any research in them yet. I first wanted to see the cost before I really looked into them. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I just assume (probably more of hoping) they would be a lot cheaper than what they are. Again, I haven't really looked at them, but are they like infant car seats where you have a base? John seems to think they are and I think they are stationary. So, if I'm right, then we are going to have to buy 3 of them. Then, if I have to have my gallbladder removed I have to pay my deductible of $500....needless to say, I'm going to be working a lot of overtime in the next month or so. Does anyone have any suggestions or advise for me? I would appreciate it!

Well, I finally uploaded some pics of Lillian. Here are some recent pics.

Lillian trying out the Gerber puffs Getting ready to go to Eville

Helping daddy fold laundry

She still loves to swing

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear Tooth Fairy

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I understand that you give children money for losing teeth. Children put their teeth under the pillow for hopes of big bucks in the morning. I have a new proposition for you!! See, my daughter Lillian is 8 1/2 months old and she still hasn't gotten any teeth let. However, this poor girl is miserable. How about I put money under Lily's crib if you make all her teeth come through? I know this isn't in your job description, but do you think you can bend the rules just this one time?


Friday, January 22, 2010

This N That

Well, there hasn't been a whole of stuff going on here at the Potts' house. We are pretty much taking it easy. I still have been feeling bad off and on for 3 weeks now. I finally get to go to the doctor on Monday....YAY! I am definitely asking for 3 things while I'm UA, C&S (for this stupid bladder infection that I still have), to get my cholesterol checked, and I definitely must have a gallbladder ultrasound! One day I am absolutely fine and then the next day I am vomiting/diarrhea/with abdominal pain. I can't live my life like this. There are many people out there that are trying to convince me that I am pregnant again, but I just don't think that is what is causing this. However, I didn't realize I was pregnant with Lillian til I was 10 weeks, so go figure! But after taking 3 pregnancy tests and they all being negative...I would think that would be a good indicator that I wasn't!

Saturday, Lillian and I went to Evansville to meet up with my best friend from home Emily and her little boy Maddux. It was so good to see them and to get out of the house for the day. We ate at The Olive Garden....Yummy!! We also went to the mall and walked around for a little bit. It was so good to catch up with her. I miss her a lot. I don't get to see Emily a whole lot since she is going back to school to get her Master's. She is one busy girl!!! Then, Lillian and I went to my favorite store before going home....TARGET!!! I just love Target! Their stuff is more expensive than Wal-Mart, but they got a lot of cute stuff. Lillian got some new things. I couldn't resist!! I also got two new workout videos. (which, I did one of them and it totally kicked my butt! I'm still sore!). Later that night, Aaron and Jen came over and watched the Colts game! It was really good to see them too! They love Lillian so much! They are awesome Godparents!

I am still trying to decide if I want to go back to school for my MSN. I have been seriously thinking about this for a year now. I just don't know how I'm going to be able to go to school part time, work full time, and still raise a family. Lily is only 8 months old, I want to spend time with her and I don't want to wait 4 years to have another child while I'm in school. So, I really don't know if this is the best step for me to take in my life. I really want to be a wonderful mother to my child(ren) but I also want to be a good nurse. With everything changing in the health care industry and the more demands they put on nurses, I just don't know if I can be a floor nurse for the rest of my life.

My friend Kelly comes back to work tomorrow. She was on maternity leave. She came to work yesterday and brought Eli by. He is so so so cute! I could just hold him all day! She is such a wonderful mother too! I am so glad she is coming back tomorrow!!!

Well, like I said, not a whole lot is going on here. I have some pictures that I need to download. So, I will post pics soon. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Miss Lillian's 8 month stats

On Monday, I took Lillian to see Dr. Bies for her 8 month check up. I was very glad to hear that she was doing great. As a first time mother, I have no idea what I am doing and/or what to expect. I just pretty much go with the flow. I figured that I have some common sense and a bachelor degree in nursing, so how much damage can I do?

Anyway, here are Lillian's measurements: weight 19lbs 3oz, height 28in, head circ. 45cm. I was actually surprised about her weight. That child definitely feels bigger than 19lbs!!!

In other news, I went back to work on Tuesday after about 10 days off due to sickness. I'm still not feeling well. I still can't get into the doctor until Jan 25th. Something has to be done about this stupid gallbladder!!! Plus, to top it off, I have had a bladder infection off and on for 8 months. After having a c-section and getting a catheter, my bladder has not been the same. I have taken Cipro (antibiotic) and that didn't help. Now I'm taking Macrobid daily for 1 month. I have about 5 pills left and still feel the symptoms of a bladder infection. Last night I was up at 1:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30 and then 6:30 trying to use the bathroom. Geez, I didn't know that the stress of birth and hormone changes can do this to a woman, but apparently it can.

Today, was the day that I let Lily have her first Gerber puffs. She absolutely LOVED them. I took pics, but haven't downloaded them yet. It is so much fun to see how she reacts to new foods!

Well, it's getting late and I must get ready for bed. I have to work the next two days. I really really hope these next two days are uneventful!! Yesterday was a crazy day and I don't want that again! Plus, I have to pack Lily's bag for grandma's. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

8 months already?

I can hardly believe it...Lillian is 8 months old. It feels like yesterday that John and I were headed to the hospital to have her. Lillian has been such a blessing in my life. I don't know what I would do without her. I love seeing her sweet smiles, hearing those wonderful laughs, and watching her doing new things. She brings so much joy to my life. I wish I could freeze time. I know that she will grow up before I know it. I just hope and pray that Lillian will grow up to be a happy, healthy, and intelligent young lady!

These pictures are from our photo shoot yesterday!

In other news, I haven't been feeling well this week. Tuesday, I woke up for work. I felt pretty good. I was in the shower and all of a sudden I just have the urge to vomit. Needless to say, it was downhill from that point on. I threw up all day long. Wednesday, I felt better, but still have some nausea. Thursday, same thing, but started to get right upper quadrant abdominal pain. Friday and today the same thing. I really think my gallbladder is acting up. I have been trying to eat light, which I have lost 5 lbs!! However, I still feel like crap. I can't get into my doctor until Jan. 25th. So, this is going to be a very long couple of weeks for me. I hope I can just get through these couple of weeks!!!

I just want to say...the snow is so beautiful! Lillian and I haven't got to be in the snow too much since I haven't felt that great. We look outside the window all the time. I love looking at it. John, Lily, and I went to John's brother on Thursday. John was going to go sledding with his nephews. However, we were quickly interrupted with the alarms from the turkey farm going off. The heaters weren't working, so Lily and I went home while John went to work. She looked so adorable all bundled up! She even went to sleep!!

Well, I hope everyone has a good weekend! Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I think I fallen off the face of the earth's been a long long time since I last posted something on my wall. It has been a crazy 2 1/2 months. Work seems to be getting busier and busier all the time. We have had more sick people than usual...I know they are sick, but they are really really sick people. However, we haven't seen the H1N1 yet...praise the Lord!!!


Lillian got to celebrate her 1st Halloween. It was exciting, but during that time she was fighting a cold. We didn't get to do a whole lot of trick or treating. We just went to John's parents.

November 6:

John celebrated his 29th birthday! We both had to work that day, but we went out with friends that weekend. It was a lot of fun. Next year, I have to plan a huge party. My hubby will be the big 3-0!!!

November 10: Lillian was very very sick. She ended up developing gastritis. She wasn't eating, having a lot of diarrhea, and a temp of 103. It was very scary to see a child that young so sick. We went to the doctor and they just told us to watch her for 7 got to be kidding me...7 days of that!! However, Lily started to turn around in a day. It probably took a whole week to fully recover, but she was fever free for 6 of those days. Lillian 6 month status: weight 18 lbs 7 oz 26 1/4 inches long.

November 12, my good friend Vanessa had her baby, Avery Lorine Dedrick. She is such a blessing, especially for Vanessa and Brad. They went through In-vitro 3 times. This was the final time they were going to try. She was born happy and healthy! She is so beautiful!

I found out that my oldest sister Carrie is expecting her second child July 16th. She will be a schedule c-section so we think she will have the baby much earlier than that. Dillon, my nephew, wasn't too excited to be a big brother....he is 3 and used to being the only child. However, I think he is doing better with it now.

November 22: Lillian was baptized at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Haysville. We decided to have Aaron and Jennifer Andrews as her Godparents. Aaron and John have been best friends since 16 and Jen is one of my good friends as well. So, we thought they would be a wonderful godparents. They absolutely love Lillian like she was their own!

Lillian got to see Santa for the first time at the mall. I was so scared, I didn't know how she would react to him. She basically just sat there and stared at him for awhile. No crying involved.

December 5:

John, Lillian, and myself went to Christmas with our children at Memorial Hospital. They were throwing a Christmas celebration for the employees children. It was absolutely wonderful. I didn't know what to expect, but it was really great. Lillian had a good time and got lots of goodies.

December 8:

My good friend Kelly had her baby boy, Eli Dale Collins. Kelly works with me and Derek, her husband, works with John. So, we were both excited for his arrival.

December 9:
I said bye bye to one of my loves, my Toyota Camry. I can't even explain how much I loved that car. However, it was not practical for a growing family. It had absolutely no truck space. I could only fit Lily's stroller in the truck and that was it! Plus, every time I got Lily in and out, I would hit my head. Needless to say, I got a new car. Buick Rainier is what I got. It is fully loaded. I actually lucked into this car. One day after my kids are grown, I will get a new camry!!!

Dec. 10:

Lillian got her 6 month pictures taken. However, it was actually 7 months. I was running a bit behind. Oh well. Chelsa Knepp made Lillian the cutest tutu. John and I absolutely LOVE it. Those pictures of her in the tutu were my favorite!!

Let's not forget that this was Lillian's first Christmas. This little girl is so spoiled!! I think she owns every toy at Toys R Us...seriously! John's quote, "Geez, we need a bigger house just to hold all her toys." That is no joke. I still have toys in boxes because we don't have anywhere to put them. I really think Lily had a very good Christmas. I was very thankful to have Christmas off this year and get to spend Christmas morning with my family. I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Usually, John and I have a New Years Eve party. However, with Lily and the fact I had to work New Years Day, we didn't have it this year. Bummer!! John and I went to Hammerheads with Chris and Meghan Olds to eat. It was a good time. We got home about 10:00 and I was in bed by 10:30....we were rebels, let me tell ya. John and I were talking, we didn't even think we could stay up until midnight even if we wanted to. Man! We are getting old!

I guess I'll give you an update on the things Lillian is doing. Right now, she is eating seconds in baby food. She eats fruits in the morning and veggies in the evening. She takes 7 oz of formula every 4 hrs. She gets a biter bisquit on bath days. She has started using a sippy cup with apple juice. She holds her sippy cup and bottle for grandma and grandpa, but refuses to do it for us. She has started crawling backwards....not going forward yet. However, she is working on it. Lily has no teeth whatsoever. She likes to play on the floor sitting. She does excellent sitting. She loves bath time. She plays with her rubber ducky. Lily is saying, "dada, mom-mom, nana, hi." She has also said, "next year, duck, ladybug, bye." This little girl is a talker!!! Lily is starting to pull up. I caught her pulling up in her pack n play and on the floor using her toy box. Lily still likes her jumperoo. She fights sleep like nobody I have ever seen. She usually sleeps through the night, getting anywhere between 7-12 hrs of sleep. Oh! The best news of all....she grew out of her acid reflux...she doesn't have to take Zantac anymore....yeah!!!

Well, I just wanted to add one thing. I know everyone has seen Lillian's birthmark. I was the very first one that noticed it when she was born. The doctor didn't even see it. The birthmark is on her right upper arm. It's called Hemangioma. It's a bright red and patchy. It occurs more commonly is white girls. I am very aware of what is going on and so is the doctor. She gets it check out every 2 months. The doctor said that it should go away by the time she goes to kindergarten. If not, we could do corrective surgery to remove it. The only reason I am bringing this up is that I have had numerous people ask me if my daughter is alright. She is absolutely fine. I have had strangers come up to me and say, "oh she is so adorable. She has the biggest blue eyes." Then, their eyes goes down...the person steps back and says, "WHAT IS THAT?" Pointing to her arm. People can be so mean and so rude sometimes. Do you honestly think I would take my kid out in public if she was contagious? I really hate it for Lily. All I have to say is that Lily is happy and healthy. I thank God everyday for bringing her in my life. Things could be worse, it could be right on her sweet little face. Just recently, I had a girl I went to high school with email me and asked me if my daughter was alright. She had seen a picture of Lily on Facebook and wanted to make sure she was alright and didn't have cancer! Yeah, seriously, she asked me this. Until this email, I had completely forgot about her birthmark. That birthmark is not who Lillian is. It's just something that is on her, like a freckle. So, please, don't ask me about it and don't even bring it up. In my book, that is old news. Lillian is fine...she doesn't have cancer!!

Well, I hope I caught everyone up on what has been going on for the past 2 months. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!

Here are some more recent pics of our family!