Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I survived my first day back!

Well, yesterday was an interesting day for me. I was supposed to work 7am-7:30pm. I got a phone call at exactly 5:07am stating that I was going to be on-call from 6am-2pm. They said they had low census. I said ok. I went ahead and took a shower and got Lily ready to go to grandma's. So, John took Lily to grandma's before going to work and this started my morning of waiting by the phone. I ended up falling asleep on the couch about 7:30am. I was awaken again by the phone at 9:45am. This time it was my boss. I thought, well, I'm getting called into work. However, she told me she was going to go ahead and take me off call til 2pm. So, I didn't have to sit by the phone anymore, but I was probably going to have to go into work at 3pm, so I really couldn't do anything. Anyway, I picked up the house a little bit, had lunch, and was on the Internet. Then, I got another phone call at noon. This time it was the charge nurse begging me to come in. Evidently, they were getting slammed with 7 admits all at once. I told her I would be there in an hour. The whole time I was getting dressed and driving to work, I was getting so nervous. I kept thinking...do you remember your passwords? Do you remember how to use the monitor? Do you remember the rhythm strips? I kept thinking of things I haven't done in 6 months. By the time I got to work, my stomach was in knots. I went to my locker, dropped off my stuff, and was out on the floor for the first time in 6 months. I was absolutely scared out of my mind. I was just thankful that I was getting a patient with abd pain rule out pancreatitis. This is not exactly an ICU patient. I was thrilled!!!!!! So, the admission process took me forever. Some things changed on the Meditech computer system that we use. However, the patient was very kind and very understanding. So, I was still working on her orders at 6:30pm, when I was told I was getting another patient. Let me tell ya, you are pretty much screwed when you get a patient that close to the end of your shift. Pretty much means you are not leaving on time. That was exactly what happened. I didn't clock out until 9:00pm and it takes me 30 minutes to get home. So, when I finally got home, Lily was in the process of falling asleep. I only got to see Lillian for about 15 minutes. I really wanted to see her and play with her, but knew she needed to go to bed. As I was laying in bed, I just prayed that I didn't screw anything up. I hope that I did alright. I never ever want to hurt anybody! Anyway, I'm still alive and well, so I guess you would say that I survived my first day back!

In other news, Lily is still hanging in there with her teething. Today, I seriously thought I was going to lose it though. She cried and cried for an hour straight. I couldn't do anything to help her. I started off with a diaper change....didn't help, I went to fix her a bottle...didn't help, I got a cold pacificer out...didn't help, got a teething ring (didn't fit her mouth at all)...didn't help. Finally, I decided to use those teething tablets. I do not use medication if I don't have to. However, I was out of ideas. So, I got those tablets out. I ended up using two of them. I didn't know how long it was going to take, so I made her a bottle with a couple of ounces in it so she could at least chew on the nipple. Anyway, within 15 minutes, she was out. She was finally relaxed!!! She has been great for the rest of the day!! I'm thinking she is getting another tooth on the bottom now. However, she didn't really let me look into her mouth, so I could be wrong on that one.

Well, I will post some pics of Lily. She is getting so big!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I can't believe it!!

I just can't believe it....really, I can't. My 10 wk old baby girl is teething. Yes, teething. I thought I had another month or so before I had to worry about this. I didn't see it coming. I feel like a terrible mother. About a wk and a half ago, Lily starting this drooling business. My mother in law, started telling me that she was cutting teeth. I thought to myself, there is no way. She is only 8 wks. (Remind you, she also told me that I was either burping her wrong or not enough b/c she kept spitting up a lot, while I kept telling her she had acid reflux. I was right on that). Anyway, I didn't really take her "suggestion" to heart. As the week went on, I noticed her trying to "eat" her hand more and more, along with her drooling. Again, my mother in law made the comment on Wednesday that she looked like she was cutting teeth. So, after she left, I got my pin light out to look in her mouth. I didn't see anything at all. So, I got out my book the doctor gave me for a reference. It told me I would find inflammation in her gums or white dots. I didn't see a thing. So, Thursday she was fussy, but she seem like she wanted the bottle more and more. So, I thought, she is going through a growth spurt. She didn't eat a whole lot with each bottle though, so I thought something else was going on. Again, I looked in her mouth and nothing. So, today, she was getting a little more fussy. She was not satisfied in anything we did for her. She wasn't eating like she has been. I only saw a couple of smiles from her, that is very unusual. So, again tonight, I looked in her mouth. Oh My!!! I found a white dot on each side of her mouth with some inflammation. I immediately started crying. My baby girl is growing up WAY too fast!! Plus, I felt so stupid because I wasn't getting the hints. Of course, I got out the teething rings and all that. Unfortuntely, Lily is still young and those things are too big for her mouth and she will grasp the teething rings, but taking it to her mouth and keeping it there is a whole different story. So, what we are doing is putting her pacifiers in the fridge to get cold and then putting it in her mouth. She LOVES it!!! Fortuntely, for us, she still enjoys her naps and bedtime. She is probably like her mommy....thinks everything will get better after a goodnight sleep. Gee...I hope so.

In other news, I go back to work on Monday. I'm actually getting better with the idea. I really hope they give me some good patients to ease my way back. I haven't been a "nurse" for 6 months. So, I'm feeling pretty nervous about going back. When I was 22 wks pregnant, I wasn't allowed to lift anything, so I was placed in a secretary position. Then, I had 10 wks of maternity leave. Man! I sure hope I remember all my passwords and stuff. I started having nightmares about work too. I had a dream the other night that it was 8:30 at night and I hadn't charted a word, I got a new admission and didn't have a thing done with that, and I had an IV to put in. To top it all off, my shift had ended at 7:30pm. All I could think about was getting home to see my daughter. I woke up thinking, "did I get all that stuff done?"

Anyway, please say a prayer or two for me....1) to give me strength while Lillian is teething 2) to be able to leave Lillian while I'm at work (I'm very very nervous about it...it's a long story and I don't have time to explain).

Well, I have some new pics of Lillian, but it's late and I haven't downloaded them yet. So, I will share them another day.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Two months already

I can't believe it. Lillian is already two months old. Where is the time going? It feels like yesterday I was walking into the hospital to have Lily. Man! Before long she will be potty trained, going to school, dating, going to college, getting married and having kids. I know, I'm getting ahead of myself, but the time is really flying by.

July 20th is my first day back to work. I'm excited, but nervous about it. I haven't been apart from Lillian more than 4 hours. I work 12 hour shifts....so, what am I going to do? I feel like I'm going to miss all the little things going on in her life. However, I am also excited to go back to work. I miss the adult conversations. I miss going out in the world and feel like I'm contributing to our family (with a paycheck). I'm definitely going to miss my sweet baby girl, but I'm not a stay at home mother type. If I could take Lily to work with me....that would be the best thing ever!! I don't think they would let me though.

Anyway, Lillian went for her two month appointment on Wednesday. She weighed 11lbs, 14 oz and was 22 3/4 inches. Her head circumference was 39.8 cm. The doctor said she was perfect (like he had to tell me that!). After that, we headed to the Dubois Co. Health Department for her shots. (I wanted them done at the office, but my insurance wouldn't cover them. Isn't that a preventive measure? Insurance companies are so funny sometimes. Needless to say, it was going to cost $200 out of pocket. So, we went to the health department for $8 per shot) Lillian got three shots and them the rotavirus cocktail. She did unbelievable. She cried for a minute and then went to sleep. So, I'm trying to figure out if she was really crying because of the shot or because she was tired??? She slept all the way home and then some. I was really nervous about the shots. I was by myself and didn't know how she would react. So, I was so relieved when she did so well.

Mommy, I am hungry! (she is already a princess)
I'm better now....take my picture!

This is my better side!

I kissed it and made it better!
I don't think she like Pooh...she kept slapping him like crazy!
Daddy and Lily
Sleeping in her big girl bed!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th!

Yeah, I'm a little late. I hope everyone had a fun July 4th. I always love this holiday. I don't know why either. It's not like we have a huge party or buy fireworks. I just really seem to enjoy this holiday. I usually spend the day doing absolutely nothing and then going to see fireworks. This year was pretty much the same thing. However, we had our friends Jen and Aaron over. We cooked out and just enjoyed each other's company. Lily got to spend some time with her Aunt Jen and Uncle Aaron. She just loves them!! At 9:30 the guys decided to put together a ceiling fan for our bedroom. Needless to say, it took two hours to get it together and working. However, it looks awesome!!! Thank you guys for your help!!!
Anyway, here is some pics from the 4th. Hope you enjoy them!!

Lillian and mommy celebrating the 4th!

Lillian showing off her cute little outfit!

Daddy and Lily having fun!

Aunt Jen feeding Lily
The new fan!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sweet Home Eldorado

Last Tuesday, John took Lillian and I to Illinois to visit with my family. My nephew Dillon was turning 3, so what a perfect time to go! The trip started off rocky. See, my mom has really bad arthritis, so John cleaned her gutters and mowed the lawn for her. While John was mowing, I went to the back of the house where my room is and changed Lily there. I heard the loudest bang. I really didn't know what it was. I took Lily back to the living room and put her in the swing and was heading out the front door when I noticed that the storm door glass looked weird. I opened up the front door and to my surprised, all the glass from the storm door ended up in the living room. I was freaking out!!! Taking a closer look, I noticed that the door was hit by a rock. My mom has landscaping rocks out front and my nephew Dillon likes to move them into the yard. Needless to say, John and I are getting my mom a new door. Not a fun moment for us. Then later that day, my mom called the heating and air people to come out to check her air conditioner. The night before it ran all night long and didn't get cooler than 75 degrees. So, they came out to check and of course there was a part broken on it. Alright, that is fine, but this is a brand new unit. My mom just bought it and it was a bigger unit too. They told my mom that they had to order the part and it wouldn't be in for 4 days. So, I had to pack our bags and head to my sister's house. It got very hot very quickly in my mom's house. I got to spend a lot more time with my sister and nephew though, but I didn't really get to see my mom as much as I wanted.

Anyway, during my trip there, I visited with my friend Amy who just had her baby boy, my friend Ansley, our friends Adam and Rae, I got my Tropical Sno (YUM!), went swimming (got burnt), and got to attend my nephew's Blues Clues party!! I got to stay there for a week. That is the longest I have been in Eldorado since college. It was good to visit and for everyone to see Lillian.

Today, I went to work to see my co-workers and to bring Lillian to visit. She had so much fun. She just smiled and giggled at everyone. She LOVES the attention! She is definitely going to be a princess!! Then this evening, we went to our nephew Curt's baseball game. John was so hard on Curt, definitely gave me a glimpse into the future if Lily decides to play sports.......yes, cheerleading is a sport!!!!!!
Well, I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend. John, Lillian, and I are going to hang out with our friends Aaron and Jen on Saturday and go watch the fireworks that night. I'm so excited!! I love 4th of July....I don't know why either....I just really like it!
Lillian in her first swimsuit...I think she likes it!

Hanging out with Daddy!
Amy, TJ, and Loxton

At Aunt Rae and Uncle Adam's

Aunt Melissa and Dillon....His Blues Clues Party!

His cute little cake!
Heading back home!