Well, I went for my 36 week appointment today. I was nervous because there were going to check me to see if I was dilated and to get tested for strept B. I waited in the waiting room forever. I guess since they were off yesterday, they schedule everyone for today. Anyway, my blood pressure was good 106/74. I did my usual urine sample....no protein. I told Dr. Beckman about my acid reflux that I have been having and bless his heart.....he gave me free samples of Protonix....exactly what I wanted/needed!!!! Dr. Beckman dopplered her heart rate, which was fast and strong. Then he measured my fundus. I was measuring almost 40cm. Which means I grew 6 cm in two weeks. So, he immediately wanted an ultrasound to see how big she is getting.
However, I still had the dreaded test to do. He did the swab for the strept B test and then he check my cervix. I am 1cm dilated and she hasn't yet dropped into my pelvis yet.
My ultrasound was interesting. Her head was measuring on target. Her legs were measuring 37 wks and her belly was measuring 38wks and 5 days. The ultrasound tech said everything was fine, but it starts to become a problem closer to delivery b/c the head may be able to come out, but the belly would be a problem. So, Dr. Beckman said he wanted to see how I do next week. If I am still growing, then we may be inducing my labor early or I may be having a schedule c-section. Lillian may even out and everything will be fine, she measured ahead before. So, we will have to wait and see.

When I got home, I told John about my visit. (He didn't go b/c he thought he wouldn't be able to handle them "checking" me, which is fine. If he is uncomfortable, that makes me uncomfortable). Anyway, we put the car seat in the car. It took us forever!!!! Putting a car seat on leather seats is a pain in the butt!!!!! However, we (I should say he) got it in.
So, now I'm just waiting on Miss Lillian to get here. I can't wait to see her!!
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