Thursday, September 20, 2012

34 weeks!!! Getting close!!

I am a bit behind in writing this since today I am actually 35 weeks. However, I like to write it down so I can remember this later.....

I had a doctor's appointment last week to check on baby boy. I got on the scale (which I hate to do). I gained 4 lbs...ouch!! There was no protein in my urine. Then, the nurse took my blood was 132/70....double ouch!!! That is very high for me. I felt fine, no swelling, didn't even know it was up. I just contributed it to having Lily with me and her being a grouch, plus working 14 hrs the day before and not sleeping well the night before. So, she told me to keep an eye on my blood pressure and if 12 hr shifts were too much for me at this time to let them know. I told her I would watch my blood pressure, but 12 hr shifts were very convenient for me right now.

So, on to the next room to wait for Dr. Beckman. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait for very long and that I didn't have to deal with another student this time. (Sorry, I am all for students, but I get sick of dealing with them at work and then my doctor's appointment every time I go). Dr. Beckman dopplered the baby's heart beat. It was good. (I can't remember what it was though). Then, he measured me.....of course, I am measuring ahead, by 4 weeks....again!! At this point, he isn't too worried sense I had a growth scan 2 weeks prior and the baby's weight was ok and I am already scheduled for a c-section. It's kind of a wait to see game.

At this point though, I am not really suppose to leave town. So, going to Illinois is definitely a no until the baby gets here. I started having contractions at 33 weeks and now with my blood pressure up and down, he wants me close to home or at least close to a hospital that I trust. So, I am staying close to home....I did make a trip down to Eville, but thought if I went into labor, I would just pull into my old stomping ground....Deaconess.

Things are going as good as it can be right now. I am huge, very tired, can hardly walk without hurting, chasing around a 3 year old, dealing with the stress from work and home know, the usual stuff. I don't have a whole lot of patience at this point, which isn't fair to my family or my patients. However, I really can not help it. So, I am sorry in advance if I am absolutely rude to you.....but the hormones are controlling the situation right now.

Well, anyway, in about 4 short weeks, I will be holding my baby boy in my arms!! I can not be anymore excited!! I can't wait to meet my little man!

34 weeks and 4 days

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Well, I survived Lily's first day of preschool. I can't believe my baby is old enough to go. Monday night, I started to become very nervous and upset that she would be attending preschool. I started to second guess myself.....why did I decide to put her in school? Well, I started to think about why I wanted her in school.....learning, socialization, a I sucked it up.

Today, I woke up early to get things ready. I made her a pancake, grapes, and chocolate milk...breakfast of champions. Of course, mommy got her all cute and took some pictures. Then, it was time to go. I felt so sick and Lily was so excited. She kept singing in the backseat. She kept asking me to sing, "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" so we sang that all the way there. John followed us, he went to work late so he could go with us. So, we get there. I am doing ok. I was starting to get excited for her. We took a picture at the front steps and then went to Ms. Angie's room. Lily got her name tag and we helped her put her back pack in her locker. Then, she was off. She went to a table and started playing with two other girls. She never looked back...sniff, sniff. I had to go to her to give her a hug and a kiss and to tell her goodbye. She was very ready for me to leave.....that's when I about lost it. I hurried up and walked away. John went to her as well and did the same. I couldn't look back or at John. I basically ran out of the school before tears started to fall. I kissed John goodbye and seriously ran to my car so I could cry. I only cried a little bit....I promise!



So, after that, I went home and tried to keep myself busy for 2 hrs. I was so happy to go pick her up. Watching her come down those steps made me so happy. She looked absolutely exhausated!!! She had nothing but good things to say about school and is excited to go back!!

So, I guess we both survived with flying colors....however, I think she did better than me!