October 20th was John and mine 4 year wedding anniversary. We went to Cliffty Falls in Madison, IN. It was fun to get away for a night. We went hiking on some trails and ate dinner at the best seafood place around!!

November-John turned 31! Wow! We had dinner with some friends. It was a nice time. Thanksgiving was good. We went to John's parents house.
December-We took Lily to Christmas with Our Children. My work throws this every year. Lily was not too fond of Santa. We also took Lily to The Polar Express in French Lick. This little girl still talks about it. She LOVED it. We watched the movie a couple of times before we went on the train. She was so excited. They did a really good job at recreating the movie.
Christmas was so much fun! Lily was at a really good age to have fun with it. We made cookies, a gingerbread house, we watch Christmas movies, made decorations, etc. I am very excited about next year! She really enjoyed opening presents too! She got so many gifts....actually too many!
January- Lily started gymnastics. She looks so cute in her leotard. She really enjoys going!
February-I signed Lily up for Pre-school. Yeah, I know. Huge Gasp, I know. I don't know if I am ready for this or not. However, I have to keep telling myself, it's going to be good for Lily. She needs socialization. Valentine's Day, my hubby sent me flowers to work. That week was one of the longest weeks of my life. I was sick February 12-14. My mom called me on Feb 14th and said she had a kidney stone and was having urgent surgery on the 15th. I got the call at 8 pm and Lily and I were in the car at 8:30 pm heading towards Illinois. We took my mom to doctor's appt at 8am and she was in surgery at noon. I was so tired and stressed. However, my baby girl did so good. I had to take Lily with me bc I didn't have a sitter and John couldn't take off. I was so proud of her. My mom did great! She felt like a new woman!! She was discharged and she was on her way home. The next day, we had family pictures and again I was sick.....didn't really get much rest while I was in Illinois. (more on that story later).

March-John started his new job as Flock Supervisor. He loves it!! He is not as stressed and has better hours. No more calls in the middle of the night from the alarms going off!! Things are better!!! March 10th, we took Lily to see Disney on Ice.....SHE LOVED IT! She still talks about it. She is starting to like the Disney princesses.
Well, I think I have caught you up on everything that has gone on. Hopefully, it won't be another 6 months before I post again! By the way, I don't understand why this layout is wrong, so sorry for the weird spaces.....I don't know how to fix it!