Side note: I made homemade Caramel pecan sticky buns last night from scratch. Basically it's a cinnamon bun. However, never made this before. I really wanted to see if I could do it. I had failed attempted on Sunday due to old yeast. I tried again after buying fresh yeast.......OH MY! They were good!! What do you think?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pigtails and Cinnamon buns
Today was the very first day that Lily let me put pigtails in her hair. She likes NOTHING on her head or in her hair. She is one particular little girl. However, I tried again today to put pigtails in and she let me do it. Yeah, I'm still in shock over it. The top of her hair hasn't caught up with the bottom part. It looks kinda of funny...but cute at the same time!

Monday, August 30, 2010
You're invited to a Tea Party.....
When I was about 5, my grandma had a little table and chairs made for me. I would spend hours and hours writing, coloring, or playing with them. My grandma gave me these table and chairs right after John and I got married. She told me to save them for whenever I had kids. Well, John and I did store them. Today we got them out of storage and gave them to Lily. We decided that Lily was probably old enough to use them. So, the rocking chair got moved out of her room and the table and chairs were put in it's place.
Fall is coming!!!
Well, I have been blessed with a pretty deceit schedule the last couple of weeks. I am on a 5 day stretch off, so I can't really complain there. Again, work has been crazy busy.....I really don't think that will ever change. That is pretty much the norm anymore.
Last week, I got Lily's Halloween costume in the mail. I was really surprised because they called me and told me that it was on back order until Sept. 20th. I really liked the costume and told them I would wait until then. Then, a couple days later I got an email saying it was shipped. WOW!!! Anyway, Lily looks so stinkin' cute in it. I hope it gets cooler because I think Lily will be too hot in it. Oh! Well, I guess I should tell you that she is going to be a cow. Last year she was a turkey, this year a year I'm going to get my way....she will be a princess or at least something more girlie.
Last weekend, Lily started to get sick. She woke up Saturday morning with a low grade temp. Of course, we did the whole Tylenol alternating with Motrin for the day. She seem to do pretty good with that. Then Sunday morning at 1am, she woke up. Usually on the nights I work, John gets up with her. I heard him turn on the lights and say, "oh my." I knew something was up. I got up and Lily was drench with sweat. We took her temp 104.8. John immediately started freakin out saying, "we are going to the ER." Well, I'm not taking her to the ER without treating the temp first. So, I gave her Motrin waited an hour, it was 103.3, gave her Tylenol and Pedialyte and took her temp again an hour later 101.2, and then waited another hour it was 100.1. Remember me saying that John gets up with her on the nights I work......John and I were both up with her that night. Needless to say, 2 hrs of sleep was not fun and then working 12 hr shift. I was dragging all day. She did run a temp all day though. Monday morning she woke up with a temp again, 102.5. I called Dr. Bies and we were seen that afternoon. Well, Lily just had a virus, which I thought she probably did, but it didn't hurt to get her ears checked anyway. By Wednesday, she was back to normal. Thank goodness!!!
John and I are still in the talking stage of building a house. We have land and a building plan, but that's about it. John wants to build a house now while the interest rates are low, which I do agree with that. However, in 2 years, we will have a lot less debt. We will have all of our credit cards paid off plus one of my student loans, with another one almost paid off. So, I do want to wait, that way I can get what I want in the house and not worry so much about it. I really hope by then, the interest rates aren't 7%.
A couple a days ago, I reached this panic state. I don't know why or how it happened, but I just realized I needed to lose a lot of weight. Yes, I am overweight. I know this, I have always known this, but the reality hasn't really sank in. I'm not looking to be a size 0, but I really would like to be a size 6. Why wasn't I blessed with the high metabolism genes??? I really do have a lot of issues that I don't know that I can deal with to actually have time to exercise. Just like all mothers out there......who is going to watch my child??? I'm not going to get a good workout, if I'm constantly watching to make sure that Lily isn't into everything....I'm not going to hire a babysitter for 1-2 hrs. By the time John gets home, I have housework to finish that I couldn't get done before he got home. Plus, I have to make dinner and do dishes. I work full time at the hospital 12+ hrs 3 days a week. My job is beyond stressful. Seriously, how do people do it???? I have tried the workouts with your child...the only thing I can do that Lily will let me do is walking....However, it has been so hot this year that I won't let Lily be outside for long periods at a time. I'm not making excuses.....I just telling you the obstacles that I don't know how to overcome. Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I was going to post pictures of what I looked like in high school, college, before Lily and after, but I got too depressed. Maybe later!
Well, I hope everyone has a good week!!
Last week, I got Lily's Halloween costume in the mail. I was really surprised because they called me and told me that it was on back order until Sept. 20th. I really liked the costume and told them I would wait until then. Then, a couple days later I got an email saying it was shipped. WOW!!! Anyway, Lily looks so stinkin' cute in it. I hope it gets cooler because I think Lily will be too hot in it. Oh! Well, I guess I should tell you that she is going to be a cow. Last year she was a turkey, this year a year I'm going to get my way....she will be a princess or at least something more girlie.
Last weekend, Lily started to get sick. She woke up Saturday morning with a low grade temp. Of course, we did the whole Tylenol alternating with Motrin for the day. She seem to do pretty good with that. Then Sunday morning at 1am, she woke up. Usually on the nights I work, John gets up with her. I heard him turn on the lights and say, "oh my." I knew something was up. I got up and Lily was drench with sweat. We took her temp 104.8. John immediately started freakin out saying, "we are going to the ER." Well, I'm not taking her to the ER without treating the temp first. So, I gave her Motrin waited an hour, it was 103.3, gave her Tylenol and Pedialyte and took her temp again an hour later 101.2, and then waited another hour it was 100.1. Remember me saying that John gets up with her on the nights I work......John and I were both up with her that night. Needless to say, 2 hrs of sleep was not fun and then working 12 hr shift. I was dragging all day. She did run a temp all day though. Monday morning she woke up with a temp again, 102.5. I called Dr. Bies and we were seen that afternoon. Well, Lily just had a virus, which I thought she probably did, but it didn't hurt to get her ears checked anyway. By Wednesday, she was back to normal. Thank goodness!!!
John and I are still in the talking stage of building a house. We have land and a building plan, but that's about it. John wants to build a house now while the interest rates are low, which I do agree with that. However, in 2 years, we will have a lot less debt. We will have all of our credit cards paid off plus one of my student loans, with another one almost paid off. So, I do want to wait, that way I can get what I want in the house and not worry so much about it. I really hope by then, the interest rates aren't 7%.
A couple a days ago, I reached this panic state. I don't know why or how it happened, but I just realized I needed to lose a lot of weight. Yes, I am overweight. I know this, I have always known this, but the reality hasn't really sank in. I'm not looking to be a size 0, but I really would like to be a size 6. Why wasn't I blessed with the high metabolism genes??? I really do have a lot of issues that I don't know that I can deal with to actually have time to exercise. Just like all mothers out there......who is going to watch my child??? I'm not going to get a good workout, if I'm constantly watching to make sure that Lily isn't into everything....I'm not going to hire a babysitter for 1-2 hrs. By the time John gets home, I have housework to finish that I couldn't get done before he got home. Plus, I have to make dinner and do dishes. I work full time at the hospital 12+ hrs 3 days a week. My job is beyond stressful. Seriously, how do people do it???? I have tried the workouts with your child...the only thing I can do that Lily will let me do is walking....However, it has been so hot this year that I won't let Lily be outside for long periods at a time. I'm not making excuses.....I just telling you the obstacles that I don't know how to overcome. Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I was going to post pictures of what I looked like in high school, college, before Lily and after, but I got too depressed. Maybe later!
Well, I hope everyone has a good week!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Say Cheese!
John and I have been teaching Lily the phrase, "say cheese!" We have been taking lots and lots of pictures of her and she would never smile, now I think she gets it!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Busy Busy Bee
Yes, I say this every post......I have been very very busy. Between work and activities with Lily, I feel like I have NO time off to relax. Work has been more and more busy. The patient load has been unreal. I can't even explain to you how stress out I have been here lately. Not so much the patient's sickness that I have been stressed out about, it's how DEMANDING they have been. Can you tell that I am not enjoying my job anymore???
During the last couple of weeks, Lily and I have been busy. We had dinner with my friend and co-worker for her bday. She has a son that is 8 months old, so Lily and Eli had a good time with each other. It was nice to spend some time with her outside of work. Then, the next day, Lily and I went to Evansville to spend some time with my friend from home and her son. It was absolutely HOT!! We didn't get to go to the park or anything. I felt so bad for Lily. She was hot and miserable. The next day, John was off and we took a drive to Patoka Lake. Lily liked the outdoors. Again, it was HOT!! However, it was a nice drive. Something to do to get out of the house.
Yesterday, we went to see our friends down in Evansville. It was a good time. The bad thing is, I hate that they are central time and we are Eastern time. It really messes with Lily and her schedule. Anyway, we went to Babies R Us and get her a new umbrella stroller. It wasn't really the one I wanted, but I wasn't willing to pay $150 for the one I wanted. There was really no need for me to buy it, so I got the plain one for $30. You just can't beat that price.
During the last couple of weeks, Lily and I have been busy. We had dinner with my friend and co-worker for her bday. She has a son that is 8 months old, so Lily and Eli had a good time with each other. It was nice to spend some time with her outside of work. Then, the next day, Lily and I went to Evansville to spend some time with my friend from home and her son. It was absolutely HOT!! We didn't get to go to the park or anything. I felt so bad for Lily. She was hot and miserable. The next day, John was off and we took a drive to Patoka Lake. Lily liked the outdoors. Again, it was HOT!! However, it was a nice drive. Something to do to get out of the house.
On August 8th, Lily turned 15 months. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is so active. I can hardly keep up with her sometimes. I love her more and more everyday!! I really don't know what I would do without her. My big girl has gone potty 3 times, twice in the big potty and once in her potty. She is not quite ready for potty training, but we are trying to get familiar with it.
Yesterday, we went to see our friends down in Evansville. It was a good time. The bad thing is, I hate that they are central time and we are Eastern time. It really messes with Lily and her schedule. Anyway, we went to Babies R Us and get her a new umbrella stroller. It wasn't really the one I wanted, but I wasn't willing to pay $150 for the one I wanted. There was really no need for me to buy it, so I got the plain one for $30. You just can't beat that price.
Next week I have 4 days off, so John is taking off as well. I bet I will have a tons of pictures and more to blog about then!! Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend!
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