So, John and I have been contemplating on what to do about our future. I'll explain. We bought our house in 2006 knowing that we would not stay in this house forever. We basically bought it for a starter house. We bought our very first house we looked at here in Daviess County. Trust me, we looked at other homes in Evansville, Newburgh, and Oakland City, so we pretty much knew this was the one. So, now we are at a place in our lives where we need to make some decisions. Now that we have Lily, our house is getting smaller and smaller with all of her toys and stuff. The location of our house is not ideal for small children either.....too much traffic. Plus, we are still in our 20s (well, John won't be for long) and I would like to find a place to live for the rest of our lives so after 30 years, we can have our mortgage paid off and still be young enough to enjoy ourselves.
So, here are the options we are exploring: 1) we move to a home closer to Dubois Co since both of us work there. 2) we add on to this house like would take a lot of work. 3) We build a house on John's parents land. 4) we move to my hometown in Illinois and remodel a home there. In my opinion, I'm saying no to option 2 and 4 all together. Option 3 sounds nice, but there are some cons that go along with that as well.
To be truthful, none of those options are all that great. Living in Daviess County is not that ideal for me. I'm sorry, but I'm just not a fan. I have met a lot of really nice people here, but I have also met a lot of not so nice people. It's those few that basically leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I'm not a fan of moving home to Illinois either. I do NOT want people knowing my business and talking about me. I know you will get that anywhere, but not a whole lot of people know me here, so it's nice. John tells me that I have to pick here or there. We can't move anywhere else. So, the lesser of two evils would probably be here.
So, anyway, we are trying to decided on what to do. Knowing us, we won't do anything. Neither one of us is good with change. However, this is pretty important. If we ever had another baby, we pretty much have hit capacity in our house now. So, we don't have our house on the market, but if anyone is interested in our 3 bedroom 2 bath home with a partial unfinished basement on 1 acre of land in the Glendale area...let us know!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Lily's 9 month pics
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy
Wow, it has been a really long time since I last posted. Time keeps getting away from me. I wish I could just slow down, relax, and enjoy life like you are supposed to. Working full time and being a mommy is very hard. Yes, I know I only work 3 days a week. However, those days are very LONG and stressful! I have been contemplating on changing my status to weekend option. I would work two days (24 hrs) a week, but get paid for three days (36 hrs). The only thing is, I do not get benefits like vacation, sick time, etc. So, that worries me. However, the money is awesome and 5 days off a week is awesome as well. I just don't know what to do.......any suggestions?

Before I forget, I want to say Congratulations to my co-worker Tammy! She had her beautiful baby boy, Kolten Jake on April 26th. He was 8 lbs, 6 oz and 21.5 inches long. He came out with beautiful dark brown hair!! So cute!!! Congratulations to Erin Owens on the birth of her baby girl, Colbie Brooke! She was born May 21. I don't know her measurements, but she is a beauty as well!!
Yesterday, we took Lillian to the zoo for the first time. John and I went there a couple of years ago while they were in the process of building new things. We thought that Lily might like it and we wanted to see some of the changes. It was VERY hot out. We kept Lily in the shade most of the time. She really seemed to enjoy herself. I don't know if it was because she got to see some animals or if it was just because she was outside. Either way, she liked it. Lily and daddy were buddies yesterday...which it was fine. I don't do well in hot weather. 

Well, I guess that is it for now. I will try to post more often. However, I may have to delete this blog because I just don't have a lot of time to deal with it. We will have to see. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Well, May 8th was Lillian's 1st Birthday. WOW! I can't believe she is 1 already. Again, time is just slipping away from me. Lily had a great birthday. She got lots of new toys and clothes. She is pretty much set for awhile. We were going to have a cookout, but the day was cold. We ended up moving the party inside. My house is too small for an extra 30 people!!! We managed though. I was a bit stressed. I don't handle crowded rooms well!!! I needed a xanax after her party!!! My family from Illinois came to her party. I was so happy that they got to come!!! Lily was so happy to see Nana!!! 

I got a surprise a week and a half best friend Rae told me she is expecting!!!!! WoooHooo!! John and I are so happy for her and Adam!! She is due at the end of December! She is very excited. We hope for a healthy pregnancy for her!!
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